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Need help attaching something

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I have tried the steam forums but with no success so I will try here.

I am trying to make a mun lander that has 2, what i call hoppers, on it. Hoppers are tiny vessels that can do , well, short hops in a local area to do some of the contracts that require this. Here are some screen shots of what im talking about.



As you can see it has a radial decoupler which would drop it from whatever vessel it is attached to. It then has another decoupler to detach the other decoupler from the main ship. I have saved this design as both a subassembly and as a ship.

The problem I am having is that when I try to attach this to a ship I have built it wont let me. It basically sinks the whole design to the center of the part im trying to attach it to. Not sure if that last sentence made sense but the best way I can describe it. I have tried radial attachment points, all the structural parts possible and yet it wont let me attach it.

The only way I have found that is a possibility is to use one decoupler and turn it around. This though would leave the decoupler attached to my tiny little vessel and would move the center of mass off to that side which i dont want and would add mass thus lowering its D/V as well.

I hope this makes sense as it was hard for me to describe. Either way if it does any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.

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the steam discussion is here if it helps http://steamcommunity.com/app/220200/discussions/0/598198356166304614/

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Limitation of the game. You cannot radially attach sub-assemblies. You can only stack attach them. You will also notice if you try to make that decoupler or pylon as the root part of the vessel, it won't let you.

There are some work arounds, though, to get what you want - the first is to build your hoppers at the same time as your other vessel.

Or, there's a neat trick to making this a whole lot easier. Imagine that you will be attaching your hoppers to a fuel tank on your other vessel. What you want to do then, is to attach that same fuel tank part to your hopper, make the fuel tank the root part, and save that as sub-assembly. Then when you load your other vessel and grab the sub-assembly, you just replace the fuel tank from your other vessel with the one you have in the sub-assembly.

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problem is I have tried building a brand new vessel. The limitation comes in when I try to put the radial decouplers on the side. I need to reverse them so they don't leave anything on my hoppers and stay attached to the ship itself. When I try they don't allow for that reverse connection.

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a radial stack separator would be nice but all combinations of what is available do not work.

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I often do the following:

Decoupler -> girder -> girder rotated 90 degrees so the free node points down -> stack separator -> whatever.

Its ugly as all hell but that did the trick,, thank you Yasmy :) you are the man, or woman,, not sure what you are :P.

Edit : posted your response in the steam forums too incase it may help others down the road. You are a genius though.

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