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Idea For Competitive Multiplayer

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I'll just quickly jot down an idea I had for multiplayer:

I was thinking it would be cool to have a sort of mashup between KSP and transport tycoon, but then I thought "You'd have mine the ore, transfer it to a ship, and launch it into orbit yourself for every transport route, but in transport tycoon the trains just go back and forth between nodes themselves". So then I thought, "maybe the rockets could be flown by individual players on a multiplayer server". And then, if anyone wants to timewarp, you set a time and date for the timewarp and while everyone waits they can fly ore from orbit to ground or vice versa like the trains from transport tycoon". Then I was wondering, "what to do with all this ore?", and thought maybe it would be cool to use it to build transistors and logic gates. So then the goal is to mine a bunch of ore to essentially build a small, not very complex computer out of the ore you mine (kind of like in minecraft), and then use it to compute trajectories and then take over rocket orbit and de-orbit flights and send the commands from a control tower to the OKTOs. So if your commands fail the rockets crash and you lose the ore and the rocket and all that. Kind of like how back in the 60s computing power was limited and computer bugs could be a problem.

Then what? So to make it competitive, you could have multiple stars each with their own planets, and then each solar system sort of forms a team of people. So they are trying to essentially race each other to build up a transportation empire, just like in transport tycoon. And then to make it more interesting you could have people sending players into an enemy solar system to hack the computers they made from the ore they mined and hamper their progress in the space race. And the goal being... I guess to steal resources from other solar systems and bring them to your own before other people mine it and use it and come and take yours? And of course they could also steal the asteroids and build computers out of them, and there are a lot of goals you could have with building a computer.

It would be interesting how such a large scale thing would pan out. Would different solar systems team up with each other in order to advance faster? Would they attempt to destroy all life in a solar system in order to steal the resources for themselves. I don't know, just a suggestion.

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yes, but mabe also a space race mode and add cameras to satallites, so you can spy on the enemy and have a cia/kgb like espionage system and cheapen tech with it

It should also give us the .craft files of any exposed craft that we have all the parts for (but you probably would top the tech tree before going interstellar)

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