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Stock Part Config: Surface Attachment = Allow for Stock Delta-Deluxe Winglets

Goddess Bhavani

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This feature request is really hard to put in text but those of you who have used low tech parts would notice you cannot attach stuff to the Delta-Deluxe Winglets, and may force you to build a boxier looking craft as a result.

Here's a simple OV-10 Bronco replica as an example:

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Scroll through the gallery above and you'll see some comic irony - the fragile Basic Fins can be used as basic hardpoints, but the Delta Deluxe cannot be used to support the tailplane of the aircraft.

Setting Allow Surface Attach = 1 makes for a much sleeker and true to life appearance for this aircraft's tail assembly.


It's not a big problem but thought for consistency's sake in community craft sharing, I thought it would be nice if future KSP updates could incorporate Surface Attachment = Allow for this part.

Edited by pandoras kitten
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