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A couple of Biplane designs [0.15 stock]

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I\'ve been messing around with designs for a while now, and I decided to try out making biplanes. It turns out that it\'s actually not too bad of an idea, considering that the extra wings do help force the center of balance towards where the wings are at.

I started off with the Mark 1.


This thing is clunky, slow, and certainly not able to get far, but it takes a lot of effort to get it to go out of control and it\'s light enough that the parachutes will allow it to survive a water landing every time.

After getting the basic ideas out of the way, I went onto the Mark 2, with four engines and hopefully a bit more maneuverability.


Well, uh. It has four engines. It\'s a little easier to take off in, and I\'d say it\'s more fun to fly overall. However, both of these planes do not have much in terms of range, and are at most just fun toys for taking off and landing.

Hope you guys enjoy them!

By the way, if anyone has any tips on how to make a more stable design, I\'d love to hear them as I am quite nooby.

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I like it! I\'ve also been making a lot of planes, and one of them is a biplane. It\'s a huge one with six engines and it\'s highly fragile, and the slightest bump or turn on the ground will make the top wings wobble and shake themselves apart! here\'s the only successful flight to date, luckily recorded:

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I like it! I\'ve also been making a lot of planes, and one of them is a biplane. It\'s a huge one with six engines and it\'s highly fragile, and the slightest bump or turn on the ground will make the top wings wobble and shake themselves apart! here\'s the only successful flight to date, luckily recorded:

Thanks! Your design seems to be Jebediah-approved, mine are more contemporary. Someday, I\'ll have the lack of sanity to try such crazy concepts.

Speaking of designs, I decided to make a final biplane. I\'d done 2 engines, 4 engines, where else was there to go?


I went with a single engine design. This meant I had to actually think about balance for once, not to mention it being even harder to get it off the ground. But, it\'s actually probably the best flier and the most fun!


This plane is flimsy. I wanted to try and simulate the cloth wing feel of an actual biplane... Instead, it just allows you to jettison your wings. Still, it\'s a fun ride and the jettisoning serves a purpose!


Water crash safe! Only problem is that like all my other designs, it\'s really grumpy when it comes to vertical controls. Feel free to try and fix it, I know you guys on here are smarter than me.

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I like it! I\'ve made one very similar, exept mine is a 'Quad-Plane' with four wings on top of each other, and surprisingly, it worked!

No video yet, but i\'ll work on that. I\'ve attached the file anyway.

EDIT: Also, Here\'s my X-Wing aircraft:

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