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How to access Kerbals stats?

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Ok, so I'm pretty new to KSP modding, and I need a few pointers to get started.

First up, I'm really only interested in the programmatic aspects of modding. I have no intentions of adding new parts or anything like that to the game.

So as a starter project to get a decent overview of things, I was thinking of maybe modifying the stats of Kerbals based on in-game events and parameters.

Now, I've been glancing through the community API documentation, but so far I haven't been able to locate any direct way of accessing the Kerbals stats.

Google have been pretty unfruitful too.

If anyone could point me in the right direction on this, that would be really nice.

Ps: My main bulk of programming experience comes from C++, I haven't really used C# before. So if you know about any potential pitfalls I may run into in that regard I would also appreciate it if you mentioned those as well.

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List<ProtoCrewMember> crew = vessel.GetVesselCrew(); // a list of all kerbals on the vessel (for the active vessel, replace <vessel> with <FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel>)
Debug.Log(crew[0].courage); // print the courage value of the first crew member in the list

Is that what you were after?

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