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Civilian contracts: how NOT to fail?

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I do not understand why my civilian contracts (Landing Expedition with Passengers) always fails.

How do I put civilians on board of required ship? What exactly should I do to perform mission?

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Once you accept the contract, the "tourists" will be available as part of your crew members. Build your rocket such that it has extra seating, and then assign these tourists to one of the open seats (in the ship editor building). And, obviously, do whatever the contract requires of you (suborbital flight, orbital flight, landing, etc.).

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Although tourists cannot perform EVAs they can transfer through docking ports/claws so you can either do direct ascent mission where they don't leave the ship or you can transfer them to a lander with a probe core or a crew to fly it.

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Sounds like you're running a mod. The best idea might be to ask in the forum thread of that mod, as the people there (especially the mod author) know the specifics much better than those of us who do not have this mod installed.

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