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CB-139 Karnac [0.15 stock]

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I\'ve been watching the forums and checking out people\'s spaceplanes for a while and finally managed to get a stable one of my own I feel worth posting. So I now present the Karnac:




4x turbo-jet engines

Take off speed of 170m/s (requires runway + ground until downslope to ocean)

Cruising speed ~380m/s @ 10km, engines 3 & 4 (far left, far right) shut down

Max distance of appx 220km, one way

Flight ceiling ~13km

Self-landing upon final approach (no engines)

One of the best features I\'ve found with this spaceplane so far is the autopilot for landing. I haven\'t tried it with the runway yet, as it\'s rather difficult to line up on vanilla (for me, anyway) but I\'ve cruised at roughly 10km a few times, and run out of feul. Once the plane starts to glide down, I simply keep the nose up until I hit around 3km altitude, after which point I put a slight upward trim on the pitch, and the plane will land itself. For safety and emergency abort, the plane features an emergency decoupler to jettison the cockpit, which also has 2 parachutes to get the crew to the ground in one piece. After learning the plane and realizing how well it flies, I tried to remove the decoupler and parachutes, which for some reason completely throw off the plan and make it difficult to fly. Only difficulty with this plane is initial takeoff, as it requires the runway, ground, and gets within 100m of the ocean before actually taking off. If you hold S for too long though, it attempts to backflip.

The Karnac is loosely inspired by the Concorde

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