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If anyone has the full version, and is willing to convert those annoying SKP files into something useful, I’m more than happy to do a bit of modelling here and there.

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If anyone has the full version, and is willing to convert those annoying SKP files into something useful, I’m more than happy to do a bit of modelling here and there.

I've got the full version, but it's useless for doing anything but creating the model. UV mapping and other stuff you still need something like Blender.

I'd love to be able to use it to model some things as I am fairly proficient with it. I just haven't used it for making game objects.



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You can use Sketchup to model, import and export. There is one downside though. Unless you have the plugins to change the settings, Sketchup will delete/remove textures, resize and change the axis (rotation) of parts. So you may end up with the wrong sizes and no textures.

However, you can model in Sketchup and then use Blender or some other program to texture and export back into KSP. :)

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