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Munsail V, an Apollo launcher

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The idea behind this craft is to follow the Wayfare AE&KA design philosophy to create a new heavy serial staged booster, the result is a simple serial staged rocket with great stability and a roughly similar part count to the Munraker

60 tons to LKO, capable of reaching the Mun or Minmus, and simplified from it's original Apollo AAP challenge guidelines (contains solar panels, ALSEP not included)

Here's the craft, it is 411.9 tons on takeoff and 60 tons at LKO, also off the pad it's a quick accelerator.


Since the AAP challenge was done in FAR it needed a bit more fuel in stock so it has slightly more on the second stage than these in flight pictures.



Neil and Buzz after landing near the Neil Armstrong memorial in the Apollo 11 reenactment mission.


the craft file.


And the Munsail IB a Saturn IB replica, kinda, it now lacks the LES shroud



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Really nice rocket, I like how you created your own interstage fairings. A tip for ya, (regarding the first photo) if you want the transition between the capsule docking port to the LES to be a little smoother, you can ditch the decoupler.

You can set the ABORT action group (for example) to simultaneously "Activate Engine" on the LES and "Decouple" on the Rockomax decoupler that mates the capsule to the service module. This will activate the LES correctly in an ABORT situation. Then set another action group to "Activate Engine" on the LES and "Decouple" on the docking port to jettison the LES if not needed after making orbit. Lastly, you can use the offset tool to drag the LES base down slightly to cover the docking port ring, until the base is flush with the base of the docking port. The LES still jettisons with no problem, causing no damage to the docking port.

In this photo you can see the LES base just about to cover the yellow/black stripes of the docking port, but not quite. (The protrusion is a Mk16-XL parachute)


Edited by Raptor9
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