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Tourists Log doesn't work anymore.

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I'm having a new problem with tourists. The contracts don't get checkmarks anymore. And the logs are weird. They seem to work sometimes but not for everybody.

So for example right now I have 2 contracts both related to Moho. So I have 6 tourists on a ship overthere. The ship arrived, parked in orbit, landed and back to the space station.

The result of all that is no checkmark at all :huh:

One thing I tried is to put one tourist in the only stock part I have around moho. Nothing happened. I go back to space center. I come back to Moho space station and I get a checkmark for an orbit on that tourist in the stock part!

Now even weirder. I look at the save file to see if it logged the info. And it didn't do it consistently even though at all time all tourist were in the same ship, same part. No doubts about that. So this is a really weird result. As seen in picture below some tourists got no logs at all, 2 of them have the orbit, one of them has it right apart from the fly by missing.



Any ideas what is going on here? Why would it not log all of them equally? ( there is absolutely no doubts they were all in the ship, in the same part..

Any ideas how to fix it?

I tried to remove all the mods that are not necessary for that ship and it didn't solve the problem. The only new mod I installed recently was KerbalJointReinforcement. But removing it didn't help. I'm pretty sure the tourists contracts were working before with non-stock parts. Am I mistaken?

Thanks for any help.

I doubt it helps but just in case those are the mods installed


and the bare minimum needed to load that craft.


EDIT: Ok I just edited the save file and adding the log myself is a way to fix it. But still I'd like to find a proper fix for contracts in the future. And it doesn't explain why only one tourist out of 6 got an almost correct log and the others didn't.

Edited by Nookos
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