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Home from my surgery!


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Home from my surgery...great news, bad news story tho....the surgery as originally scheduled for 2-3 hours but ended up taking 4 1/2 hours. My boyfriend was in the waiting room and starting to panic, and when the surgeon came out to talk to him he called him over to a private room.

Immediately he thought something really bad happened to me, and he was in tears, but I was ok....what happened was my one disc (C4-C5) was so badly herniated that my left shoulder nerves were badly damaged and he had to go in and try and repair them. That\'s why the surgery took do long!

So, the great news is....all the pain I have been dealing with for 7 years is gone! It is amazing! The bad news is.....because of the nerve damage in my left arm, I have no use of it right now. I may eventually get it back, but I can\'t start therapy for it till my neck bones fuse at that takes 6 to 12 months :(

Overalll, getting rid of the pain is worth any sacrifice I may have to make, so I am very happy!

Thank you everyone for your thoughts and support!

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So you only have the use of your right arm for anywhere from six months to a year? That must suck... good to hear that your problem has been dealt with :D

it does, but the pain i gone so I will gladly deal with the limited mobility....praise the lord for MechJeb!!! :D

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