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6 hours into the game, cant seem to get past the to the mun part 1 tutorial

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Hello there and welcome : )

From what I see on your screencaps, I suspect that ...

1) you're not burning in the correct direction. Before burning, you have to orient your ship properly. Follow the blue arrow on the navball til you reach the maneuver marker, it's a dark blue circle. Use the pitch and yaw controls (W,S,A,D keys) so that the blue circle is placed at the center of your navball. Then do your burn. From what I see on your screencap, for example, you'd have to yaw right ('D') to find the marker.

2) maybe you're starting your burn too late. On the first screen, the time to maneuver (shown at the bottom right corner of the navball) indicates "Node in T+ 1mn 53", thus saying that you are already close to 2mn past your maneuver point.

In fact, it's even worse than that. Read what Gene Kerman says : "start your burn when the indicator is half the time the maneuver takes before you get there".

What does it mean in this case :

The required, estimated burn time displayed on screen is "2mn and 7sec" (also at the bottom right corner of the navball). So it will take you 2mn and 7sec at full throttle to change your orbit to the desired one (the one that will bring you close to the Mun)

Take this time, 2mn 7sec, and divide it by 2. That's around 1mn and 4sec.

So you have to start your burn, at full throttle, 1mn and 4sec before the maneuver point, that is, when the time to maneuver indicates "Node in T- 1mn 04".

Thus, you'll burn from "Node in T- 1mn 04" to "Node in T+1mn03". Total time 2mn 07sec.


Edited by Plume & Akakak
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This thread makes me feel warm and fuzzy. It reminds me of simpler times when I was just a casual gamer who didn't know krap about stuff like vac dV, TWR, CoM-CoL balance, transfer windows and such. The 'burn towards Mun when it appears on the horizon' was the most complex instruction I could follow.

And here I am now, trying to perfectly set 6 aerocapture paths that gets the modules of a ship to 6 different planetary bodie's polar orbit... and I won't even see the result for days, since there are so many more missions to do before the big expedition arrives.

Got sidetracked...

Welcome to KSP, don't let the numbers or the Kraken scare you off!

Edited by Evanitis
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i just cant... i looked at youtube guides but i still cant this is what always happens



anyone know what to do?

I foresee a great future for you in KSP. You have the right approach to things.

You identified a problem, attempted to solve it yourself, then found the correct subforum to pose the question on the first try, and supplied useful, relevant screenshots to explain your situation. That's exactly the sort of methodical approach you need in this game, and it's a rare trait in newcomers ;)

This will probably be only the first of a hundred questions you'll be asking, but don't worry about that. Everyone here once asked a hundred questions (I know I did!), and some are still busy asking. That's just KSP for you... you never stop learning new things. The only dumb question is a question not asked.

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I tried this mission several times and failed everytime - I learnt a lot more by jumping into Career mode and doing the small things first like launching a Pod into the air on a Hammer SRB. As you get more into the career mode you learn a lot more things as time develops.

From your screenshots you are not facing the correct direction - you need to go to the dark blue target marker, and also when T hits 0 or as referenced above about T- (half the time of your burn) - I made exactly the same errors but stuck with it - and now totally addicted and planning my first foray to Duna. I have learned more than I ever learned on any of the tutorials - watching Scott Manley (career guide) on you tube. He is now up to episode 27 (Yes I am still watching an learning all the time) - but he goes through everything you need to know as a beginner - and the guy is a legend!!

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I think it's amazing that after just six hours in the game you're attempting Mun landings! That's fantastic, but be ready to be frustrated for a little while while you begin to understand the why behind the what going on in the tutorials. Remember, landing a man on and returning from the Moon took NASA a decade to figure out how to do.

Based on the feedback given by others, I would suggest you start up a Science Mode game, and start learning how to do things from closer to home. Good luck!

Edited by EtherDragon
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