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Finally after years of playing


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Well finally after years of playing KSP on and off I have managed a lot of firsts in a game of KSP. It is all done in the past 3 days in my current career mode game.

32 bit version RAM usage at start up 3.0gb :P

Following mods :kiss: especially the contractpacks work nicely as I need funds for my missions, I barely manage to stay in the black :/ :

* KerbolPlusv230

* Outer_Planets_Mod-1.7_Beta_2

* Trans-Keptunian KT v0.4

* Advanced_Progression_Contracts-4.5

* Agencies Plus

* Aviation Lights 3.7

* BoxSat vA.02e

* Chatterer 0.9.5

* Contract_Window-5.2

* ContractConfigurator_1.4.2

* ContractPack-AnomalySurveyor_1.2.2

* ContractPack-FieldResearch_1.0.5

* ContractPack-RemoteTech_1.1.4

* Contract_Pack_Unmanned_Contracts-0.3.10

* Corvus_-1.25m_Two_Kerbal_Pod-1.1.1

* Corvus Extras (May 26)

* DMagic Orbital Science 1.0.3

* Final Frontier - kerbal individual merits 0.8.3-1361

* HaystackContinued-

* HGR_V1.3.0

* HistoricMissionsPackv122

* Kerbal Alarm Clock

* Kerbal Attachment System KAS 0.5.2

* Kerbal Construction Time 1.1.7

* Kerbal_Joint_Reinforcement-v3.1.3

* KAS_Portable_Science_Container-1.3.0

* KIS (Kerbal Inventory System) v1.1.5

* Mission Controller 2 v1.21

* Mkerb_Inc._Science_Instruments-0.6a

* ModularRocketSystem-1.7

* Munar_Surfaces_Experiment_package-4.0

* NearFutureSolar0_5_2

* OMSK_Space_Products-3.7

* Procedural_Fairings-3.14

* ProceduralParts-1.1.3

* ProtractorContinued-v2.5.1

* RemoteTech-1.6.4-XF - RT pack that lets you switch on of antennas etc.

* SAS.Tuning.Fix.v1.0

* SaturnNovaTexturePack part of procedural parts.

* SCANsat-12.1

* SmartParts-1.6.5

* Solar_Science-v1.03

* TacLifeSupport

* Tantares_-_Stockalike_Soyuz__More-28.2

* Tantares_LV_-_Stockalike_Proton__More-12.1

* Tarsier Space Technology with Galaxies V5.3 (caretaker release)

* Thermometer-1.0.7

* Trajectories-v1.3.0a

* Universal Storage

* USI SoundingRockets 0.2.1

* USI Survivability Pack SrvPack 0.3.1

* VNG-Parachute_1.2

* VNG-Plugin_0.7.2

* VOID 0.18.3a

* Waypoint Manager 2.3.2

I played KSP for about 2 years now and only in the past few days I managed to:

* Managed to land multiple Kerbals on Kerbin skydiving from orbit. They lost touch with the craft after going on EVA (happens often :( ) And I can never get the Kerbals back on the craft, I have difficulty with orienting them without navball etc.

* Orbit and land unmanned probe on the mun, sorta, probe lost some parts during landing bit it is working :) (Remote Tech).

* Orbit and crash unmanned probe on minmus (Remote Tech).

* Build a 4 satellite constellation orbiting on 0/45/90/135 degrees orbits around kerbin at an altitude of 60Mm (outside minmus orbit, Remote Tech) capable of communicating with probes up to 50 Gm away.

* Do a controlled launch to another planet! Duna for a flyby mission. The ship has more than 2000m/s left which is enough for a burn to Valit (Kerbolplus) after passing Duna soi while still ending with 1200m/s and in range of my comnetwork :D .

* Build a plane that actually flies in a controllable matter.

* Flew the plane to the island airfield, landed but overshot the runway, managed to fulfill the airfield contract.

* As a bonus I managed to return with the plane to KSP and land it in one piece! Just not on the runway though. Have to work on my targeting although I parked it in front of the rocket launch site :P

* Flew the plane to the pyramids and landed on an uphill slope. When I released the brakes (stupid me) again after standstill it rolled back though and crashed anyway, Kerbal was alive!

*Kill only 3 Kerbals sofar and 2 tourists. Normally deaths would be 10-20 by now.


* I launched a Kerbal to the Mun and landed the craft flawlessly on first ever try (manned craft, unmanned tried before but never 100%)! Then had an EVA. Did science. Planted my 1st flag anywhere ever! Then I managed to return the Kerbal and craft to Kerbin. First entered orbit even and unintentionally landed at 1km from the pyramids :D with 600 m/s. With 54,000 funds my most expensive construct ever!

I am not spamming science btw. So I am relatively low tech. Only a few 90 science nodes unlocked and 2 beyond for antenna's for long range capability. Future first tries will be docking, re-entering craft after loosing contact (kerbal on EVA), flyby of Eve and Moho. landing probe on other planet.

All in all I am very very excited. And I will not download 1.03 as I am afraid it will break this brilliant save! LOL

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