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1.0.3 Heating oversight


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I think idiotic is too strong a word. Over the course of these pages and posts, we're exploring what the change IS, and how it may be generally correct... despite initial gut reactions.

Amen. There's a reaons that thermodynamics isn't an entry-level course for engineering majors, and why those few engineering students who have survived their 1st or 2nd year still find the subject hard. It doesn't make intuitive sense but has to be grokked as its own thing. I managed a B in it and I still have no idea how to measure or even define entropy or enthalpy in terms of things that make sense to me :).

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Not all of us are DIY'ers, but your points are valid.
Well, considering that's pretty standard fare for any well-stocked garage I've walked into it's not out of the question. A standard bottle torch is pretty cheap, too. E: They're also used for cooking.

E: The point being it's not at all out of the ordinary to say that can be done at home.

E2: I misspoke, I'm talking about propane.

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Does this mean I can use Sepratrons to decouple boosters while not having my central tank explode?

Thank you so much, Squad. I'd much rather have Sepratrons functioning as they should than be able to make some fireworks and cook parts with engine exhaust.

Although as several people have brought up on this thread it's probably not impossible to have both.

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Does this mean I can use Sepratrons to decouple boosters while not having my central tank explode?

Thank you so much, Squad. I'd much rather have Sepratrons functioning as they should than be able to make some fireworks and cook parts with engine exhaust.

Although as several people have brought up on this thread it's probably not impossible to have both.

It was easy to fix that... Just have a small wing part on the fuel tank where the separatron would be firing on. I don't think it was worth making exhaust heat pointless to fix.

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