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RCS controls - Vernor engines


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This is probably a silly question, but here goes....

I have a refueller craft to transfer fuel between a space station and an interplanetary mother ship. I need to be able to dock it with the larger contructions.

Basically, it is a Rockomax Jumbo-64 Fuel Tank plus a couple of radially mounted Thud engines.

Because is quite large, I have chosen to use Vernors as my RCS. The odd thing is that, while they work well enough to translate forwards and backwards, when I use the I/J/K/L keys, the Vernors only puff. They won't provide a steady lateral thrust, and I have to keep tapping the keys.

Is that part of the design? Or do I have a minor bug?

Mods: MJ, Flight Engineer, HyperEdit, NavHud, Waypoint Manager, Dock Align.

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MJ may be set to do 'things' to your RCS control. Make sure that everything is off in MJ before you test translation again (red light pops up in on your MJ part)

Also, RCS controls need to be held down. if you just tap them, you will get a puff and that's it. Once you take your finger off, it stops the RCS thrust.

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MJ may be set to do 'things' to your RCS control. Make sure that everything is off in MJ before you test translation again (red light pops up in on your MJ part)

Also, RCS controls need to be held down. if you just tap them, you will get a puff and that's it. Once you take your finger off, it stops the RCS thrust.


i recently have VERY MUCH Problems with MJ (newest Versions, even beta #481) and rcs. from "not being used either way" up to "reactivating rcs thrusters, even if i wanted them disabled".

I think you should consider MJ2 as broken until it is fixed and released. I had this Problems also with 1.0.2 as well, but seems to grow with newest MJ Releases as with 1.0.3.

so if you used the "use rcs for Rotation" in smartRCS, dont believe the Settings that are shown as active. sometimes this button used to toggle the function for rcs throttling and had no effect on the Rotation, sometimes it worked well.

best try: disable a rcs port, try different Settings in smart rcs, use ur rcs while engine is throttled to 0, and check if the rcs got re-enabled.

i know, that seems to be a bit offtopic, but proves that MJ is not doing what it is intended to.

Meanwhile i really consider of deactivating MJ.... spended 6hours on this error last night.. not joking.

try to dock a 10.000 kg ship with tweakscaled RCS ports that fire on each short press with 400% thrust... it's just no fun anymore.... and you cant disable as you dont know what Option u turned on by clicking the (i.e.) "RCS for throttle" button...

hope you got my point

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