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How to add multiple rovers/targets to the runway?

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Hi , I just wanna test some weaponry mods and shoot things but It says "no target" and I cant figure out how people put so many targets into the runway and the side of it. Can anybody help please?

Edited by Wolfyy
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1) Go to SPH

2) Build/load the first rover

3) 'Launch' it

4) Move it across the runway as you like

5) Return to KSC (do not recover the rover)

6) go to step 1) and proceed with rover #2

repeat until you're satisfied.

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Additionally, bind a bunch of rovers with beams and griders, and decouplers in SPH, launch, decouple, drive them off the runway individually, switching with [, then return to SPH and "clean up runway" when deploying anything new and the junk will be cleared off the runway. The launch must be of a single vehicle. Into how many vehicles that one splits ten seconds after launch is up to you.

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