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[1.0.X] Kurrikane - A science Probe parts v1.0


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Overview :

The main idea came when I started a new science game in KSP. I was looking for a way to get surface sample and reports from kerbin faster. The answer was in aircraft but I had to land, reports,take off, land etc... so I thought about a probe which is loaded on an aircraft (1-6 probes) and that would be dropped around kerbin biomes and then to takes the data and be recovered in the space center.

What it does ?

It is basically a probe that can collect surface sample and do EVA reports without a kerbal. It's only purpose is on Kerbin usage.

For Science and Career games, the parts comes in Advanced Exploration techtree node.

Images :



1. Extract "Kurricane" into your "Kerbal Space Program\GameData" file

2. Enjoy


/!\ You must install this mod : http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/80292-1-0-2-Flight-Manager-for-Reusable-Stages-%28FMRS-v1-0-00%29 to avoid the debris thing/!\

1- Add 1 or more probe on your ship/aircraft with decoupler

2- Add 1 core probe from the game (to get FMRS usable)

3- Add mk1 parachute on each probe you have

4- Properly arrange your stage so you can activate the chute and eject at the same time

5- Launch your mission, eject the probe when you want

6- When ejected get back to the probe with FMRS, land it, do the science and get back to the main ship.

7- Do the same for each probe you have.

Download :

KerbalStuff : https://kerbalstuff.com/mod/939/Kurrikane

Curse : http://www.curse.com/ksp-mods/kerbal/231984-kurrikane#t1:description

Curseforge : http://kerbal.curseforge.com/ksp-mods/231984-kurrikane


Creative Commons 4.0 Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike


Special Thanks :

InGame testing : Syatus

Edited by Beluwel
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Lovely, another mod whose name starts with K to add to the sorting nightmare!

On a more serious note, EVA stands for "Extra Vehicular Activity" and covers all activities performed by astronauts outside the vehicle. EVA without kerbals kind of defeats the point, doesn't it?

A good idea, though, we need more deployable and disposable science experiments like this.

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Mipe -> Thank you ! You're right about the EVA but it is just replacing the action from a kerbal by a machine so i could rename it as : camera reports, things like that but people may not notice that do the same as the EVA reports.

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Idea for a 2nd part from this... I was thinking about using something like this for Eve. What about a slightly bigger heavier version that incorporates an Antenna (please include MM cfg's for Remote Tech and Antenna Range)... Heck, what would really be cool is if you found a way to swap out or incorporate the standard science instruments (2hot, etc) into the body ?

Just a thought, I can see this growing into more than just a kerbin biome probe, I think you have the makings of the next DMagic science pack...

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Does this mod do any sort of checking to see if it's in contact with the surface before being allowed to take a surface sample? Just wondering how its science collection method compares to the Surface Sampler part in my own mod (which DMagic helped create): http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/65365

Edited by ZodiusInfuser
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rottielover -> Yeah why not i'll think about it :)

ZodiusInfuser -> I didn't create any sort of checking for my mod, the surface sample already check if the vessel is on the ground. So the probe can't take it in the air.

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I think t shoul have small drill for taking surface samples ( i sav drill for surface samples but dont remember where...)

and if u want something more than parachute u can attach it to decopuler (like antena for remotech or smalll solar panel or other experiments ) or attach cubic octagunal strut (BEST KERBAL PART EVER :P) and attach wathever u like to it

Edited by sober667
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  sober667 said:
it was a LONG time a go probably one of mods fro bahamuto i think.....

There was the beastly science mod which had an arm to take surface samples, but that has long disappeared. IR does indeed have such a part as Grumman says though, and it needs to physically touch the ground in order for a sample to be taken, so no drilling in mid air even if the craft is on the ground.

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"Bonus - You can do the "Rename Vessel" option on the beginning of your mission to make sure it will be consider as a probe/ship/lander/whatever you want and not be destroyed because it is a debris."

How do you do this little trick? I loaded up 4 Kurricane's on radial decouplers, slung under the wings like missiles. I tried to rename, but it renamed the whole craft... I just want to make sure I understand how to drop these without them ending up marked as debris and eliminated. What are the other "gotcha's" with using these? I'm assuming the old stay within 2.5km thing still applies, and don't timewarp when these on floating down on the chutes right?

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rottielover -> Ok so... i did some tests this morning and when i released my mod i forgot about the 2.5km thing :( so the only way to correct that is to install : http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/80292-1-0-2-Flight-Manager-for-Reusable-Stages-%28FMRS-v1-0-00%29 and sadly add a core probe to my mod + a parachute and switch to the probe, land it, do science and get back to your plane do the same with each probe you drop. I'll add it in the description of the mod.

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  Beluwel said:
Toyotawold -> First : Thank you ! :) I am looking for CKAN but i don't understand at all how to import my mod >< so i just need to PM the author of the tools and he will add it for me ?

*whoosh* Like a ghost in the night, the CKAN metadata contributors appear from the ether.

That.. or when you created your KerbalStuff page we get pinged to create a CKAN entry. *shrug* At any rate, you mod is currently being added. Don't need anything from your end of things, just thought I'd let you know. =)

And I'm gone *whoosh*

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Beluwel fear not, I have a suggestion. So forgive me I haven't done any modding past making a fuel tank from a tutorial in .18 or .19 ...

Can you incorporate some of the lines from the stock probe cores cgs's into your part's cfg and turn it into it's own probe core? Wouldn't MRS then automatically pick it up without the need to attach a probe core? Lore wise it makes sense that any probe would need some kind of computer/brain electronics in it. And if you ever wanted to expand the line of these to include more parts I think you'd probably end up wanting to add that ability anyway.

Just a thought.

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plague006 -> Ok ! thank you ! :)

rottielover -> Hmm, actually i can't really work on it but monday I'll look more into the probe cfg file because my probe already have 2 modules from the probe but maybe it need to have all of the modules to get recgonize by MRS.

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  • 5 months later...

Is this cool mod working with survey transponder mod?

If you use survey transponder.  http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/111834-105-survey-transponder-022/#comment-1976587

I don't have anymore debris. Survey transponder also a automatically operated parachute and you can name-dropped pieces separately.

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