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Still cant get past the to the mun tutorial part 1

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  modybird said:
I keep getting this http://imgur.com/YOTqqnb
In this picture, the maneuver node that you are looking at is the node that took you out of Kerbin orbit, something like four hours ago.

When you finish a maneuver, you want to click on the button to the right of the metres/second indicator (in that screenshot it's a red X). This deletes the old maneuver, so you can plot a new one.

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  DeMatt said:
In this picture, the maneuver node that you are looking at is the node that took you out of Kerbin orbit, something like four hours ago.

When you finish a maneuver, you want to click on the button to the right of the metres/second indicator (in that screenshot it's a red X). This deletes the old maneuver, so you can plot a new one.


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or right-click the node on map, and click the red x icon in circle that shows up on it.

Anyway: yes, you're on a flyby trajectory by the Mun. Just warp to the Periapsis marker, then burn retrograde until your trajectory closes into an orbit.

And don't press the Reset button. It's there for when you messed up badly. In your case the situation is perfectly manageable if somewhat unoptimal (very high periapsis).

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Let's try to describe it without any space-specific terms.

- on the right side of your navball, there is a green curved line with a red "X" button on the top. This belongs to your previous waypoint that you already have passed.

You will not need it anymore, so click the red "X".

- now look at the map, at the bottom of the blue line - that icon - is your ship. There is a marker roughly at halfway of the blue line - thats your closest point to the Mun.

The blue circle is where you will exit the Mun's area.

Ok, you want to get to Mun's orbit and if you don't do anything then you will do a flyby - which is not bad but you want to land there, do you?

In order to get to a Mun orbit - a closed and strable "circle" around the Mun - you will need to "break", best place to do this is at the closest point to the Mun.

- you can accelerate time in the upper left corner, try to forward a bit until you are close to the marker with "pe" on it. Or click the blue line and select "warp here".

- Now, point your ship backwards to your flight path. In the navball (lower middle), the circle that has the small green "X" in it has to be in the middle - then you are flying backwards (the empty circle is pointing forward)

- Now acceperate slowly and watch the blue orbit line changing. It will bend towards the Mun and finally form a circle.

- stop your engines or you will further lower your flightpath and eventually crashland on Mun

Dont give up and let us know if you need more help.


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You should really try to describe what you are doing and what your problem is instead of making people guess what your picture should tell them.

From what I can see you simply have to burn a bit radially to raise your periapsis and then burn retrograde at periapsis until you have an orbit.

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For that one, you just need to follow Gene's instructions. Your orbit (blue line) doesn't have a periapsis - or rather it does but unfortunately it's under the surface of the Mun. This isn't good. :) So do like the good Flight Director says, set up a maneuver node (click anywhere on the blue line in front of your ship) and experiment with dragging the blue handles until your orbit doesn't intersect the Mun any more.

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I suggest watching tutorials on youtube while running the game on the side in windowed mode and doing everything exactly like in the video. Not everything has to be exactly the same, it is more important that you get the grasp of what you're doing and why you're doing it rather than getting the "perfect orbit" on the first try. Example: https://youtu.be/7Lb2eSp5c7A?t=455

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Did you try to look for a guide on your native language? The minimalistic style of your posts made me think that it would do more good than any English guide we can type here.

If you find none, I would suggest you to check a video or two because well... we speak kerbal here with silly expressions like 'periapsis' 'retrograde' and 'trajectory'. I assure you, none of those are derogative terms, not even 'antinormal'. LordFjord above did his best to give a solution without using any terminus technicus... I mean silly words.

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  modybird said:
Now im starting to get this alot, tried 4 times http://imgur.com/yiqHADv

Point your ship to where the brown and the blue intersect the 90 segree line.

burn a little bit (not full throttle) untill the blue line no longer intersects the Mun.

At this point, you should see a little marker that says PE at the bottom of the blue curve.

If you put your cursor over it, it should tell you "Mun Perapsis" and a number (hopefully this number is over 8 km, so there is no risk of hitting a mountain).

When you reach that part of the curve, point your ship backwards and burn until the blue curve becomes a closed loop

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  modybird said:
eh guys im quitting the game, too difficult for me, gonna try to get steam refund

Well sorry to see you go, but I hope you come back to it after some time. This is a game that takes patience and a willingness to learn. It's not a game that I'd call difficult in the way games like Dark Souls are, but rather it's a game that requires understanding, which I think anyone can gain.

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Before you quit can I recommend you try watching some youtube tutorials on how to play first? The in-game tutorials, while fine, can be inadequate for some players. Personally myself I was able to learn the basics much quicker and easier by watching youtube vids instead of the in-game tutorials, plus they teach you a lot more stuff that's not found in the tutorials.

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