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Ouion's base building material and space applications

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I decided to build base parts and vehicles for my Munar base.

WARNING:This contents mod parts and some may cause problems with your KSP

Mods Used: Near futures solar, Near Future Electrical, Infernal Robotics, KAS, KIS

Munar Buggy

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Description: The Munar Buggy is the next generation short scout vehicle for colonizing the mun. It can fold for compaction and allows for low cost transport. It can also carry tools and parts for science and repairs. It features double solar panels for quick recharge and surface scanner to pick out mining sites.

Download:see Munar Buggy on KerbalX.com"]see Munar Buggy on KerbalX.com

Munar Mining Unit


After running and designing concepts and demonstrations, we finally have a mining unit. It can hold 3000 ore and has circular solar panels. The scanner is design to find ore in any environment.

Download craft file here"]craft file here

Power Generation


A mobile power generator for a munar base, it features concentrating solar panels that recharges in seconds and can be connected to bases for power.

Download:craft file here

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This one is all stock

A Replica from Metal Gear Rising Revengance

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The Raven Aerospace of Ouion base building LLC. build the MQ-320. Popular with Private Military Companies on Kerbin, the drone is a low flying aircraft that can be equip with Vulcans and missiles. Capable with BD armory.

download MQ-320"]download MQ-320

- - - Updated - - -

Next Launch Vehicles and Logistics.

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