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Johno on the Radio


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For those of you who don\'t know (which I would expect would be the vast majority of you), I do a short Science section on one of the community radio stations in Western Sydney. It\'s called 'Snarky Science'. :)

Well, I know you guys will all be absolutely snowed under with Eurovision and all, but if you can fit a little time slot into your busy schedules, we\'re on air tomorrow night.

Time is a little flexible, but it will be some time (shortly) after 10 tomorrow night, Sydney time. That\'s just after UTC 12:00, 27th May 2012! :) - just over 25 hours from now.

The theme for the evening is 'recent developments in Space.'

I thought I\'d mainly talk about the entry of private players into space, and what that means. Obviously we\'re starting with SpaceX, it being topical and all, but moving on to Virgin Galactic (which are looking good for a launch in the next couple of years) and a few of the other COTS providers.

Okay, so over to you - what else do you think I should include?

Station details:

People in the Penrith Valley (Sydney, Australia): Listen to 100.7FM.

Everyone else: listen online.

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