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Redoing a old challenge

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A long long time ago. back even before beta. I posted a challenge, to build a supersonic seaplane (WARNING OLD POST INCOMING)

So I was looking at some old plane concepts when i came across the Convair F2Y Sea Dart was a supersonic sea plane and to my knowledge it was the only one of its kind. Due to the introduction of larger aircraft carriers there was no need for them. So lets see what you can do. Your goal is to re-create this innovative machine. you can use any mods needed (I recommend B9, and Firespitter) as long as you list the mods you used. also the plane must be able to reach mach 1 (approximately 300 m/s) and be able to land and take off on water. I hope to see your creative ways of getting around the water landing. unlike my previous Re-creation challenge I posted, the F2Y has a lot of data on it and as such you should easily be able to search any pictures and specifications needed to help you.


once this craft is made your goal is to push this craft to its limits include pictures of the following:

(buzzing the tower)

(flying low to the water/ground)

(landing on water with great speed)

depending on the distance/speed/height from these pictures scores will be combined with the crafts overall resemblance to the actual plane and its ability to meet the speed and water landing requirements.

the best of luck and happy building



as you can see, this is outdated, however, I want to bring the challenge back again. For far to long, I have been attempting to do this challenge, and each time I fail, or can't recreate it in the next update. Now that we have a 1.0, now we can try it all again. So here is the challenge

1. Recreate the Sea dart as close as possible to the actual plane

2. Prove it can land AND take off from the water

3. Show that it can reach mach 1 (around 320 m/s)

4. Go for bonus points (Buzz the tower, land hard on the water, maybe even make a spaceplane variation)

Main judging is on realism and accuracy to detail, However don't forget the bonus points. these could make a huge difference depending on what you do. Most of all, be creative and have fun.

The best of luck and hope to see some great builds


Top 10 scores











(Note: please list mods used and what they were used for "I used XXX Pack for the XXX parts")

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  • 4 weeks later...

Right, I'll give it a try :D

- - - Updated - - -

Aight, its too hard to create a plane that can land on the water and kinda looks like the sea dart. I think people don't join in because the challenge is too hard.

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  • 1 month later...
Right, I'll give it a try :D

- - - Updated - - -

Aight, its too hard to create a plane that can land on the water and kinda looks like the sea dart. I think people don't join in because the challenge is too hard.

Understandable, However it still can be done, Radial Intakes are a wonderful thing.

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My Sea Dart - Supersonic Seaplane.

I never heard of it before today, but I had some fun building it. This was a totally stock build, some creative clipping and use of radial intakes for buoyancy my only tools.

Below is a bazillion pics of my demo flight. I hacked gravity to move from the runway to the water but apart from that it was all legit. Normal take-off, normal landing, then climbing run, then high-speed (supersonic - Mach 2! :) ) run, then tower-buzz, then some low altitude stunts round KSC - got very close to some of the buildings and at one point I was below 50m in a tight turn but I think I missed it with the screen :( - then high speed landing (~75m/s), then normal take off and landing to prove it wasn't broken, then taxi to shore for the big finale!

Thanks for the challenge, it's been a really interesting one - much harder than I initially thought! :D

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Edit: for some reason the first 8 or so pics seem to be at the end. I've moved them on Imgur but not sure if it's reordered them on here. O well!

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