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[1.0.4] RTEmergencyChute -- Automatically deploy chutes on unresponsive RemoteTech probes


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RTEmergencyChute -- RemoteTech Emergency Chute

Automatically deploy chutes on unresponsive RemoteTech probes.


Development of this mod has now ended -- I decided it was probably better to implement this functionality within a kOS script.

What this mod is for

Ever built an early probe with RemoteTech to gather some early science..? Only to loose connection to KSC and have all your valuable science dumped into the ocean?

This mod is a small add-on for RemoteTech that attempts to deploy the chute automatically, in the event that a connection to KSC is lost.

How to use

Just drop the 'RTEmergencyChute' directory into your GameData directory.

Once installed, continue to launch your craft as usual. Stock parachutes are all supported including drogues.

In the event a probe is disconnected, then the mod will attempt to automatically deploy parachutes attached to a craft once it is safe.

Required Dependencies

  • ModuleManager
  • RemoteTech




Other notes

I haven't tested this mod with RealChutes yet, so I have no idea how compatible it will be.

If you notice a bug (of which I am sure there are many!), or wish to provide constructive criticism then feel free to do so! My knowledge of C# is not that great -- so I'm sure the code could do with improving!

Edited by rickyhewitt
development ended
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