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Cargo and passenger transport.


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I would think that you will need to re supply your interplanetary bases and send more modules. How should this be done? Cargo ssto, separate launches or huge interplanetary ship that never deorbits but instead undocks cargo. :cool:

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Really depends on several factors: where is the destination (planetary body and orbit/surface), how much are you carrying at once, you're individual design style, and player proficiency.

One person might be really good at spaceplane SSTO's, but if he can't carry the cargo in a payload bay due to size, than he might have to change his strategy. If there is no atmosphere, than planes are out anyway.

If you're going to a small moon, you might be able to push/pull/carry more cargo due to lower gravity. If it's a high gravity moon, you may need to pack more fuel and less cargo per trip to maintain adequate TWR.

Some people might want to launch an interplanetary resupply ship in one launch, others may need to dock several pieces together.

Ultimately, I keep a list of all strategies and design techniques and brainstorm which one(s) are appropriate based on my mission and destination.

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I generally put a crew car behind the locomotive when heading towards an outlying outpost on a fuel or ore run.. Sam halls passenger pod.. but has anyone considered scaling down that mark 3 passenger part to mark 2 size?

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