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Structural Fuselage - texture modify

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Here is the idea - Could be changed texture of "Structural Fuselage" or "Mk1 Liquid fuel fuselage" ? they look way to same (almost). Yes, they are at different groups, but still..

It happened to me several times (my mistake, i know..)

One fun storry to tell:

First peek to duna, yup, contract to fly near, great, i have plenty tech to going there, so put a huge rocket, four big boosters, everything smooth, final stage for Duna orbit made it with two others which was supposed to burn earlier, but it went well, so contract made, and with that also carry some experiments from very hi orbit, why not try to return them, two and half stages are enough, decouple... and no thrust, engine off.. why..fuel? I have, liquid.. here are full tanks... full? [RightClick]...tanks??? ...tanks? no.. knock knock whos there - structural fuselage, structural fuselage where? structural fuselage on kerbol orbit far a way from home..

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