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Koogle prize!

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(Based off of google\'s real life contest)

I, myself, could not resist the urge to run a campaign to the Mun, Except this time, you start of with a horrible 1000 dollars. Of course you may earn more. If a person likes your space program, you may donate money. Each sponsor player gets 5000 to spend.

Prices: PM me your rocket. I\'ll price it.


1. Exploding rockets cost about 500 Dollars per fail

2. You cant just go to the Mun, or Minmus. You must launch tests and whatnot too! They didn\'t just go IRL.

3. May have manned, or unmanned (Mechjeb) Missions

4. Some mods. Listed below

5. Have fun!

6. Can use mechjeb. Must use Zoxygen



Tosh\'s cart


All Silisko Packs



Everyone must make a logo too. And mission insignias.


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It, looks (the prices) confusing ??? could you explain them a bit? never did this before.

Send me your rocket. I will judge the price.

For all future people. YOU MUST USE ZOXYGEN. If you don\'t you will be advertised as killers.

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Send me your rocket. I will judge the price.

For all future people. YOU MUST USE ZOXYGEN. If you don\'t you will be advertised as killers.


i have not made a rocket yet. gtg for an hour right now though.


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Does it have sufficient battery power for then probe? I see no solar panels, or is it simply stored inside, until it runs out. And how does it communicate?

Otherwise it\'s fine.

(This does not say you have to use the battery parts pack. I just am realistic. My Munar prototype has many BACE panels)

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Does it have sufficient battery power for then probe? I see no solar panels, or is it simply stored inside, until it runs out. And how does it communicate?

Otherwise it\'s fine.

(This does not say you have to use the battery parts pack. I just am realistic. My Munar prototype has many.)

Mission shown was simple orbital testing. Full version has two solar collectors, plus batteries to last for 12 hours. The communication method is the rotating orb at the top, projecting radio signals out the hole. The whole mechanism rotates to keep track of a satellite in orbit or a ground station.

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Mission shown was simple orbital testing. Full version has two solar collectors, plus batteries to last for 12 hours. The communication method is the rotating orb at the top, projecting radio signals out the hole. The whole mechanism rotates to keep track of a satellite in orbit or a ground station.

When I see the full version orbiting the Mun, your Okey Dokey.

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When I see the full version orbiting the Mun, your Okey Dokey.

The mission has it not to orbit, but to make a single, extremely low pass, coming within 1,000 meters of the surface, traveling over 800m/s horizontally to map terrain for a possible landing, and for other reasons.

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