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Physic Lag increase in 1.0.4?

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Hi fellow kerbonauts and rocket builders,

did something changed in 1.0.4 (haha!) that causes a massive increase of physics calculations? After 1.0.4 I have a huge increase of "yellow" times at the beginning of a launch, even some "red". I could swear that I hadn't this before 1.0.4 (hadn't the chance to test 1.0.3)

The rocket which I've constructed has about 100 Parts which is this not this much. I've tried many things as deleting mods which increase the graphics like EVE, planetshine, Engine lighning.. but nothing helps a lot.


I see also a huge, a really huge instant yellow and red physic delay when I see and "feel" the supersonic effects. The same at visual thermal effects.

is there any possibility to debug this more than from the debug menu (alt/LSHIFT-F12)

Before I start to try to pin down which of this mods I use creates the lag, by

10 removing one mod

20 RUN KSP ( in open opengl mode)

30 Wait..

40 Wait more (did i pressed play on tape? :confused:)

50 load into savegame

60 launch

70 see physics delay and get frustrated and exit KSP

80 reinstall mod

90 GOTO 10

are there any known performance issues with KSP since 1.0.4? I need to know this before I will try to find this out the hard way :(

PS: it doesn't matter if I try this on Windows or Linux both have the same issue. (with the same copy of the savegame) :(

PPS: I search for a solution for about 2 evenings, and yesterday if I tried it ingame with different parts, I switched the engine on the 3rd stage to the LV909 and the problem disappeared ... so I was wondering and put the LV45 back, didn't came back... first a big "YEAH... lets try to restart and reproduce!" after the restart the problem came back but the "solution" didn't work :(

PPPS: I install my mods via CKAN if possible

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Ohh dear deer,

after iterations of the loop above, and finally striping the installation down, and even a fresh installation to a vanilla installation, it is the OpenGL mode which creating the huge Performance hit in 1.0.4. Eyecandy like EvE, EngineLightning etc. just make it worse. I can switch it on/off by Playing in D3D or OpenGL. Or just switching back to 1.0.2... :( I don't know what I am dooing next, no eyecandy and D3D or Eyecandy and 15 FPS ...

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Yep getting this exact same problem. Massive unexplained lag increase in 1.04 with mods. Although not sure whats causing it, wasn't even aware I was using OpenGL... Will try it without, but something is seriously wrong here.

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  • 2 months later...

Same problem. Ran with all my fancy mods in 1.0.2 and had playable framerates.

Now in 1.0.4 i cant even launch a THIRTY (30!!) part rocket without yellow physics delay where 1 second equals EIGHT (8!!) real life seconds.

It is utterly ridiculous.

force-d3d9 or force-d3d11 or force-opengl doesnt change anything.

No mods, still the same extreme physics slowdown.

Sick of this. Why cant i download 1.0.2 from the official store anymore?

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Same problem here. I use only Planet Shine and Real Plume/SmokeScreen for visual mods (had eve then uninstalled it). Also i use always D3D mode (the default) with half-res because in Open-GL and D3D11 the performance is worse.

I can see that the performance gets worse when the speed comes to Mach 1 and after Mach 2, then it gets better.

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  yorshee said:
The performance improves if you aim the camera toward the sky, which makes me think it's an issue with Kerbin's terrain. Try turning the graphics down a bit? That's what I did since I had the same issue.

Same problem here. When near Kerbin's terrain (or in orbit directly above it) the FPS drops and the physics lag increases rapidly. Everything is fine when looking at empty space.

Graphics settings (from extremely low to max) make no difference, game is stuck at 22FPS when terrain is in view. Overclocking my CPU also seems to have no effect, meaning the graphics card and the CPU are not bottlenecking.

That leaves memory bandwidth (my DDR2-800 may be showing its age here) and possible disk I/O for loading terrain. Issue does not seem to be restricted to Kerbin, missions to Minmus show a similar slowdown when over the surface.

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OK, further testing:

The issue is definitely terrain rendering. Physics lag increase and FPS drops to 25.0 flat when Kerbin is taking up the majority of the view. It's also not mod-related and present in stock KSP.

Workaround for now is to drop the rendering quality level. AA and texture size don't matter, it's the complexity of the terrain that is pegging the CPU and shader pipeline.

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22fps, you guys are lucky. I get 1-2 fps. With 30-part ships. Without any ships (only the graphics rendering) i get 50fps stable, on the surface, in the air, or in orbit. This is with mods and EVE with clouds and citylights etc.

In 1.0.2 i got 30fps at the ground.

So something DEFINTELY broke with the updates.

(yes, obviously tried stock too, and updating the mods to their 1.0.4 versions)

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There's always been a noticeable performance drop whenever you're looking towards Kerbin's horizon and not straight down or up. It's just that people with higher end PCs don't notice it - I play on a laptop with an i3 processor (Intel HD graphics FTW!) I've not noticed it any more than there was before 1.0

But recently (as in 1.0.4) I've noticed a further performance drop whenever the active ship is in the atmosphere (even if looking straight up) and above about 750m/s, which would suggest an issue with krakensbane. [EDIT: And I'm playing mostly stock. When entering the atmosphere at around orbital velocity I'm getting more than one second per frame for several frames.] Could this be what you guys are seeing?

Edited by TheMoonRover
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  • 2 weeks later...

Yeah, even a completely stock mark 1 crew pod, with only an antenna and some batteries, bits and bobs (no more than 8 parts in total) attached.

When hitting the atmosphere the framerate will drop to 2-3 on average. Even with the graphics options set to low (such as the aero fx which some suggested were a preformance hog).

But frankly the graphics options dont matter, might as well keep them maxed out, because in 1.0.2 i never saw this issue.

Something is wrong with the simulation, the physics calculation regarding atmospherics, drag or lift, or temperature.

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Depending on the complexity of my craft, visually-apparent drag during ascent will cause severe performance problems as everyone has mentioned prior.

Running on OpenGL with EVE/clouds/etc. However, even with aircraft that do not breach the atmosphere, if I push its velocity to get some drag effects, the FPS will drop... a lot.

There's definitely a terrain thing going on, too.

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Not necessarily physics, but probably the heat calculation adds too much complexity per part.

I mean, most parts are made of metal anyway which is quite good in heat conductivity. If heat was big enough to cause problems it would spread pretty quickly and gobble the whole ship, to me it would have been sufficient to have heat as part of the whole ship calculation, instead of having it calculated per part, except for the parts that generate or radiate heat anyway.

That being said, I hate this version because lag has increased per part, not only in the launch but now i cannot build bigger bases or stations anymore, the performance is reduced a lot more compared to older versions.

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  Beduino said:
Not necessarily physics, but probably the heat calculation adds too much complexity per part.

what helps is the reducing the entry effects. But every mod which increases physics calculations slows it down. Hope for 1.1.

But this seems to be an OpenGL issue, because i didn't have the problems with DirectX (if I reduce the ammount of mods to a minimum). But I have to play on Linux because of the tons of mods

Edited by WeirdCulture
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  • 4 weeks later...

Just leaving this here because I'm having the same problem.

It is not hardware or mod related: my computer always had more power than the game required and i'm running clean installs (not even kerbal engineer).

I noticed this huge frame drop when looking at terrain too and I'm guessing it is something related to it also. But evenwhen in orbit, I still get strang hiccups with even the smallest ships, when in the past I used to build nice space stations that would now be unthinkable. Really hoping the next update, or the 64bit version will ammend this.

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