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UKSAF AWACS Procurement Competition

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Hello all, the UKSAF today has announced that it is officially beginning its second aircraft procurement conpetition due to the incredible success during its F-10 project which resulted in the very capable F-10 Lancer and its upgraded version the F-10A that serve as the UKSAFs primary fighter jet alongside their smaller but capable and more economic F-11 Firefly.

The aircraft required is an Airborne Warning And Control Systems(AWACS) plane and will be designated as the UKSAF HI-1 _____. The UKSAF has not stated many stone set requirements saying that they want the industry to be imaginative and creative in their designs and that they will simply choose the best candidates and they want to see what the industry of capable of instead of setting minimum requirements to be met. They did however set the following requirements:

-Must have at least 2 jet engines(can be any kind of jet engine to include the engines in quiztech aero pack and can have more than 2, its up to you guys. Just remember the more engines the more fuel you will need which increases weight and therefore decreases the efficiency so find a happy medium I guess.)

-Must have a countermeasures system(BD Armory)

-Does NOT need to be able to fire any weapon in any offensive or defensive way. It will fly with fighter escorts of hostile forces are expected

-Must be able to house a crew of ten for operation of the planes sensors and flight systems

-Must have wings

-Must be able to fly at altitudes above 10,000 meters so it can stay above cloud cover

-Must have an AWACS style dish on its body. Picture of USAF AWACS: (http://media-2.web.britannica.com/eb-media/71/130771-004-355D9D6A.jpg)

-Must be fuel efficient and carry enough fuel so it can stay in the air over a target area for prolonged periods of time.

-Must be able to cruise efficiently at a speed of at least 150 m/s so that it can keep up with fighter aircraft escorts and must be able accelerate to speeds of at least 200 m/s if needed below 8,000 meters

-Must be able to do basic defensive maneuvers so that it can defend itself against radar locks at some level

(I'm not looking for backflips or anything crazy, just basic stuff)

-Must be able to take off and land safely at the KSC runway

-Must not blow up randomly for no reason(except for kracken attacks of course)

-Minor part clipping is allowed but keep it to a minimum

-Be creative with it, if you make it look cool with extra sensors and what not it just might give you an edge, but keep it realistic

-The following Mods are allowed: BD Armoury, Quiztech aero pack, OPT Spaceplane parts, Adjustable landing gear, procedural wings, tweak scale, Kerbpaint. If you feel like any other mods that I missed should be added just comment with them and I will decide if I will allow them or not. Which I most likely will in all honesty

-The aircraft must be built in 1.0.4 or a compatible version(i believe anything past 1.0 should work fine)

-You MUST submit a link to the craft download file in order to be entered in the challenge so that I can test the designs.

-Only one entry per person. You can edit your craft after it is submitted but you must submit a finalized craft by the end time.

-Link to the kerbalX UKSAF hanger where you can see most of the UKSAF's aircraft and equipment with the exception of experimental and secret aircraft and equipment that are still classified or in experimental testing or never made it to flight(there is quite a few of those in the never made it to flight category......)

- http://kerbalx.com/hangars/1703

The initial design phase will be a 4 day long period starting at 0000 Eastern Standard Time on 2JULY and ending at 0000 Eastern Standard Time on 6JULY. ALL designs must be submitted by that time or they will not be counted. After that I will test them all and then I will decide on the three finalists and I will say what I did/did not like about each of their designs. The three finalists will then have 2 days to finalize and tweak their designs. After that a final test will be conducted to determine a winner. Best of luck to all who enter in the contest.

Edited by TMasterson5
No more FAR requirement
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  TMasterson5 said:
Sorry forgot about B9. B9 isn't updated for 1.0+ yet I though? Their forum page says .90 still?

There's a dev version*. I've used it and I think that unless you really want to dig deep into specs and configs the version is pretty stable...

* don't worry about it showing 750Mb, it's not that ;)

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suggestion for OP: post a link to a .craft file for the AWACS subsystem, make the challenge about designing around that. It'll necessarily be stock and structural only - older versions can't or don't know how to handle newer version science.

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It's not about designing an actual AWACS plane. It's about designing a plane that looks like the real thing.

For clarification: you can use whatever system you want to to build an AWACS like dish for the top of the plane and whatever else you want to add is totally up to you. The dish doesn't have to actually do anything.

Edited by TMasterson5
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aha... well, I did build something with a dish which weighs more than the rest of the plane, took six turbojets but I did manage to get it to take off and although it turns like a tank, I can't stick landings at all but I'm sure it'll land.

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