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1.0.4: "cannot warp while under acceleration" bug - included a save that can reproduce the issue

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I've now reported that issue multiple times. In other threads and by messaging mods. Somehow my reports seem to be ignored. This is my last try to get this issue to the attention of the mods and squad. Until now most reports by others have had the problem that the issue couldn't be reproduced.

I've included my 1.0.4 career save and steps that can 100% reproduce the issue (see dropbox link)


KSP 1.0.4 steam version

Macbook Pro 15'' (early 2013)

Core i7 2.7 GHz 16 GB RAM

Geforce GT650 M 1 GB VRAM

Windows 8.1


KerbalEngineer Redux

KW Rocketry

Module Animate Emissive

Procedural Fairings


Copy the save folder "Nigeth" to KSP/saves

Start the game

Resume saved

After the persistent save has been loaded hit "ESC"

Load the "quicksave"

You'll end up in orbit around Jool

Hit "." to time warp

You'll get the "cannot warp while under acceleration" message

I get the message every time I load that particular save.

I also included my output_log.txt

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Final notice: I will leave the files on my dropbox account until Sunday 07/12/15 9 pm CEST. After that I will assume that squad has no interest in looking at the issue and fixing this longstanding bug and I will delete those files.

I've tried to report this issue for more than two weeks now. I've done my due dilligence and if there's no interest in fixing this then so be it.

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The moderators have made it unmistakenly clear that they won't even bother to look at this issue since it affects a modded install. Due to that development I don't see any reason to keep the files up any longer if nobody bothers to look at them.

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Please don't think you're being ignored - it may just be that the users of this subforum have decided they have better things to do.

Finally, while you've made an effort to include the correct data, you haven't quite figured it out. Please read this thread for proper bug reporting steps.

A little note : forum moderators are no more able to fix bugs in KSP than you are, and SQUAD have no obligation to fix bugs that occur in a modded save.

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  • 5 weeks later...

I have the same bug, reproducible. The only mod I'm using is KerbalEngineer Redux, which I will try removing when I get the chance.

For me, the bug started when I docked to a strange vessel -- I had a little probe built onto my science station attached by clamp-o-tron, Jr., but I built it wrong so when I decoupled the clamp-o-tron the probe stayed stuck and wouldn't separate. Then later I added a docking port to the science station by bringing up a claw adapter, with claw on one end and clamp-o-tron, Jr. on the other end, attaching it to the stuck-on probe of my vessel.

Now, whenever I try to dock or undock, the game goes nuts. As I cross some invisible boundary of a couple Km distance, either entering or leaving, or if I enter time acceleration inside the bubble together, whichever vessel does *not* have the focus gets wildly shaken (small vessels survive ok, large ones come apart), both vessels get locked together (distance won't change no matter what, engine burn stops affecting orbit) and this locked together orbit starts slowly moving away from Kerbin without changing shape. Stays circular but just moves away. If I wasn't accelerating before, and I do time acceleration, I get the same message, "cannot warp while under acceleration".

Nigeth, is any of this similar to your buggy save?

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This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one.

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