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Circumnavigation of Ike (Elcano Challenge)


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This is for the Elcano Challenge, and I will be the first to drive all the way around Ike. This is WAY harder than I thought it would be. Glitches, slowarrow-10x10.png and flipping rovers, and really low gravity make this really hard.

Day 1: The beginning of pain and patience.

After 359 days of space travel in just a suit, Bill is ready to drive around Ike. After a successful landing and driving of 2.8 km, Bill stops tonight to wait for tomorrow to travel even farther in shorter amounts of time (I started at like 8:30 so I didn't get far). The rover he's driving is very simple and small. It flips if driven incorrectly and doesn't brake well. I'm going to try to get this in one go without replacement. It has no engines, but as far as I know Ike doesn't have far drops or mountains with 90 degree slopes. The rover is 100% stockarrow-10x10.png but I use mods for help and visuals.

Pics I took of Day 1


We begin our road trip!


1/100th of the way there


Going west to get a longer view of Duna

Day 2 coming...well you know, tomorrow XD

Edited by HoloYolo
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