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Don't let parachutes deploy when it is unsafe for them to deploy.

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I know I'm not the only one who forgets to change when the parachute deploys from the default staging, where it always gets put next to the decoupler. So please forbid the parachute from being able to actually open when it is unsafe to do so.

I only use italics like this when I'm upset. Happy songs in a sad beat/tempo/music-term-or-whatever does that to you.

Edited by GregroxMun
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Or maybe change what happens when you deploy it at unsafe speeds... Maybe instead of instantly despawning it can get slightly torn (depending on how severe) and simply become less effective. That way deploying the chute at 251 m/s wont be death.

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It would be quite nice to be able to reset them if you pop them early, without the use of SafeChute. I've done it more times than I can count myself...

Or maybe change what happens when you deploy it at unsafe speeds... Maybe instead of instantly despawning it can get slightly torn (depending on how severe) and simply become less effective. That way deploying the chute at 251 m/s wont be death.

They changed it to 290m/s in 1.0.3.

  • Upped non-drogue chutes' stress/thermal limits for deployment (safe speed is now around 290m/s at sea level rather than 250). Increased the time to fully deploy slightly so less of a G shock.

Edited by Nanobit
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Or maybe change what happens when you deploy it at unsafe speeds... Maybe instead of instantly despawning it can get slightly torn (depending on how severe) and simply become less effective. That way deploying the chute at 251 m/s wont be death.

Having seen what happens in parachute stress tests, nope. The seams all rip at once in a failure.

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They just need to alter the scale of the minimum pressure setting to 1/10th of what it is now.

It might also be nice to have a minimum altitude or even maximum speed setting since pressure isn't all that intuitive in the stock game.

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I think chutes should have 2 sliders instead of the speed/altitude sliders they have currently.

IMO, the chutes speed indicator is kinda pointless; because you might open them high while moving slowly. I'd recommend instead a "Min Radar Altitude" activation setting. And a "kPa per sq. cm" setting. This would cause the chutes to properly open only after you fall below the stress threshold of the parachute. Because a speed limit means nothing, when you're in the high atmo; and pressure is almost nil.

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