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What on Kerbin is this!??!11 [with pictures!]

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Looking for thoughts/opinions on how one might deal with this sucker - \/ \/ \/ - just need a nudge in the right direction so I can try fixing it myself.


Basically all I want to know: what is it, where is it, does it bleed, can I kill it? This little flare spawning and following me around is becoming a real pain in my bum. It ruins all my set pieces and all my screenshots and there ain't a landing site on Mun where this flare isn't perched on top of the landing stage debris like the squalid little glitch that it is! - I don't much care for his friends the puffs of smoke and the spawning launch-clamps either! :(

PS: Big apologies if this is considered double posting or impatient or something but it's pretty clear that putting Linux at the front of the topic pretty much means it dies a cold and lonely death, especially if it's a rare/strange occurrence. The original post is here: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/127536-Spawning-n-following-white-flares-graphical-errors

PPS: I tried to post this without a prefix like some other people but it wouldn't let me. Basically this is a cross platform issue and whilst I originally mentioned it in relation to Linux I will point out that this screenshot was taken in a modded version of Windows.

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