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Heat Wave...


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I live in the UK too, the heat wave is unbearable x_x I hope it goes away completely soon.

I thought the clear skies would make stargazing a bit easier but it would always cloud up just enough at nighttime, especially last night with the thunder, which sucked.

Fortunately though, my skin doesn't do well in the sun, even with sunscreen, because I have a weird skin problem. Gave me an excuse to stay in and play KSP while eating some cool icecream. B)

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Thunder, lots of thunder in the UK.

Last week though it got up to 30c. That is quite spectacular for here.

It's like 25c and raining/thunder here all day (south west UK), it's horrid!

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For those who can't bear the heat some heartfelt advice: Don't go for a Scott Manley haircut unless you can get you hands on sunblock factor infinity. Form experience (last year) I know there are few places worse to get a serious sunburn.

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Yep, 39°C/102°F here in the east of France.

Are you sure that's correct? Doesn't sound like properly taken temperature because it would be all over the news. I can get the thermometer up to 65 °C if I measure the temperature incorrectly.

Proper measurement is done by using a shaded thermometer, around 1.5 m above grassy ground, at least 10 m away from any objects.

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Are you sure that's correct? Doesn't sound like properly taken temperature because it would be all over the news. I can get the thermometer up to 65 °C if I measure the temperature incorrectly.

Proper measurement is done by using a shaded thermometer, around 1.5 m above grassy ground, at least 10 m away from any objects.

For perhaps not 100% accurate, but fairly close measurements, try a site like Weather Underground's Full Screen Weather; it uses Google Maps and Overlays to show Weather Stations (some official, some personal stations), Radar and Satellite imagery:


Pretty cool site and I used it to find out that right now in Thiory, France (random Hot place in Eastern France w/a current weather station) it's 98.6°F; so 102°F wouldn't be too far off.

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Yep, 39°C/102°F here in the east of France.
Are you sure that's correct? Doesn't sound like properly taken temperature because it would be all over the news. I can get the thermometer up to 65 °C if I measure the temperature incorrectly.

Proper measurement is done by using a shaded thermometer, around 1.5 m above grassy ground, at least 10 m away from any objects.

For perhaps not 100% accurate, but fairly close measurements, try a site like Weather Underground's Full Screen Weather; it uses Google Maps and Overlays to show Weather Stations (some official, some personal stations), Radar and Satellite imagery:


Pretty cool site and I used it to find out that right now in Thiory, France (random Hot place in Eastern France w/a current weather station) it's 98.6°F; so 102°F wouldn't be too far off.

Hello people,

38,3°C/101°F actually, according to national sources.

And well it got in the news, at least here in France. Here's a cap of an article from FranceTVinfo, with its google translation :


Strasbourg is located in a basin, in the Rhine valley, and is sheltered from the dominant winds by the Vosges and Black Forest mountains. Heat accumulates there, and it also makes it one of the most polluted city of the country.


Edited by Plume & Akakak
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Not over here... South of France (tlse FTW), gets to 40°C when the sun is high... luckily my ventirad is good enough to keep my CPU under 55°C...

I don't own an AC though, and i'm considering building some kind of cooler myself out of the leftovers from my PC build: a stock ventirad, USB cables...

I suck (like really really suck) at tinkering (is that even the correct word ? not sure) but with a big ice block in an isolated container with 2 holes, air intake and output, with a fan sucking air into the intake, it should probably produce some cool (pun intended) AC-like effect !

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We just had a heat wave where I live recently (Not unusual heat for this area and time of the year, but unusual compared to the weather and temps we've been having), but now the rains are monsoon-like. The quantity of rain when driving is reminiscent of fog.

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  • 5 weeks later...

Did I say it's over? Hahaha *rips some hair out*

Tomorrow up to 39 °C and then the next two weeks every day 30 °C. EVERYDAY! I can't bear this anymore, I'm moving to Minmus. Oh wait, can't, too hot to play KSP.

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Yes, it is back.


Poland and Croatia in red.

*adds more ice*

Czech Republic just a small step behind... 35 °C and rising.

I don't understand all the fuss about not being able to play KSP... My laptop never goes below 40 °C CPU temp when idle, and with the right power config I can play KSP at a very cool 50 - 55 °C. Granted, it's not the smoothest ride... But it works. Better decreasing FPS rather than looking at numbers like 75 °C.

Point is, if a 15 °C increase in ambient temperature causes your PC to overheat and shutdown, better start cleaning the fans.

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I think the heat is too much for the birds here, too. They're sitting on the hot asphalt of the street and don't move even if a car comes. You have to slow down to not hit them...

25 °C around midnight, they say...

And I can't play KSP, because the room will get to hot and there's currently no way to get the heat out. So I have to choose: Heat up my appartment up to the outside temperature or stay away from 3D games...

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