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Simple Orbital Rescue & Re-Entry with X-1 Micro Shuttle

Goddess Bhavani

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I have been using micro shuttles as early career workhorses for some time - they are winged Mk.1 designs intended to be an upgrade over the traditional Mk.1 ballistic capsule as the wings allow some measure of cross-range capability - aimed right they can glide back to a perfect runway landing like the precursor to a proper Space Shuttle program.

Here is a 3D 'screenshot' of the craft, the X-1:

I get a fair bit of comments about the airworthiness of such a craft so I made a short video depicting a routine orbital rescue mission, re-entry and landing.

There is no heatshield for re-entry - heat is simply drawn away from the hot front end of the craft via a radiator mounted on the service bays, as well as the wings generating lift to control descent rate.

Landing is full manual to demonstrate the natural stability of this wing configuration - yaw control is cross coupled with roll, but there is sufficient lateral stability to ensure pointing accuracy.

The service bay doors serve as spoilers and landing gear, too!

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