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What is your Kryptonite?


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Boredom, actually. Been playing since 1.5 (earth-)years now and doing things over and over again in different universa with different 11dimensional (or were there only ten ?) string arrangements :-) has had a certain satisfying the effect on me. Just launched the duna-mission in 1.04, next will be Jool, then Sarnus ... hmmm .. probably 1.1 is out by then. Start all over again ? "jeb !! Come back !"

And in 1.04 my crafts have to have less parts, something is causing more lag than in earlier versions ... err stringuniversa, thus assembling the typical 5-probes, 5 scanners, 1isru-capable lander, one transfer-stage and maybe a car plus skycrane has become even more sporty than before as i have to guess were evrything will be in next frame during assembly ... even Jeb's once friendly smile has become sort of a grin of schadenfreude. Well, the whole contraption is awaiting the launch-window to Sarnus.

Plus, (i was allways wandering why people had problems with bugs), i encountered a few bugs lately, mostly things falling through the floor, of some remote moon of course where a bold Kerbal watched a planet rise, sighed, turned around and ... well, you all can imagine her desperation.

Well, maybe i go ans slay and a few orcs ...

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Landing on atmospheric planets in specific spots.

I can never land spaceplanes back at the KSC, I always land too early just past the mountains to the west of the KSC. It's pretty flat there so I don't really have a problem with it, but I would like to get better at precise landing on atmospheric planets.

I used to be bad at spaceplane stuff in general but I reckon I'm pretty good at most of it now.

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There are lots of things I haven't done, but in terms of actual weaknesses that negatively impact my ability to advance in the game? Mods. More specifically, my inability to quit adding them and tinkering with them, resulting in a lot of program instability and such shenanigans.

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  1. Red-haired women that distract me a lot (but I love it)
  2. Forgetting to deploy solar panels before time-warping and ending up with floating bricks
  3. Spamming "M" key everytime I want to press "," --- friggin laptop keyboard is too small :(
  4. Pressing "." too much and crashing into objects

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Maneuvering kerbals EVA. For some reason my mind refuses to make the transition between aircraft controls and kerbal-on-EVA controls. Why didn't they just make the EVA buttons the same as RCS translation in everything else??



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Karbonite is my Kryptonite :P

really just mods in general; i see a new mod i want to try, and then that causes problems with an existing mod, which takes me all evening to de-bug, and then i need to uninstall another mod to free up memory, which breaks my save, so i go play Minecraft. then see a Minecraft mod, go through the above, and go play Dwarf Fortress...

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My computer. I get, at best, 8-12 FPS. On a more complicated ship, the best I can hope for is 4 FPS. This makes everything take 2-3 times as long as it should. ;.;

And then there's the constant crashing...

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By the time I start building one, I realize that it's more efficient to build a rocket and just launch to the station.

Or.. you know.. build a space shuttle. Both of those. Together. ( á° Üʖ á°)

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anxiety at the possibility of losing my Kerbals.

I've never been further out than Duna because I'm too fearful of running out of fuel and not being able to return my Kerbals. I also try to do too many things in one mission, leading to heavy craft and increasing the possibility of said running out of fuel.

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As stated previously elsewhere, I suffer from (among other things) Multiple Sclerosis and with that, induced double vision, and, with the diabetes, I'm slowly going blind.

So... I need all the help I can get... I cannot play without mechjeb! I cannot take my Kerbals out on an EVA... it always ends badly....

So, I reckon..... taking the Kerbals out on EVA in space.. everything else I have dealt with is OK to a point... but that... no way. :(

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5 min burns are bad enough, when it gets to 10 min and 30 min without any ability to time warp... Well, I quickly turn my attention to more pressing matters.

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KOS. I can do most things (although SSTOs are rather tricky and I tend to overplan interplanetary missions to the extend that I never actually do them) but KOS... Even writing a basic asscent code is nigh on impossible for me :(

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Trying to explain this game to my friends.

They don't understand a game that doesn't have a pre-determined goal and thus can't be beaten and never actually ends. Finishing the tech tree and upgrades in career mode is actually the beginning of having the parts to do the truly creative missions.

They can't comprehend how to enjoy a game that doesn't have enemies, and guns. (but we have great explosions!)

Oddly enough, they love watching, and get very wide eyed at the views from orbit or approching and landing on another body. I try to get them to try a simple launch, but they refuse to give it a go.

I need new friends.

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Forgetting to open solar panels for probes, wrong staging, why is there no thermometer on my lander, suddenly running out of electricity for having no solar panels, plenty of monopropellant but no RCS thrusters... You get the point.

Should probably spend a few minutes on double checking important stuff (or at least see what engineers report says) before launching.

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anxiety at the possibility of losing my Kerbals.

I've never been further out than Duna because I'm too fearful of running out of fuel and not being able to return my Kerbals. I also try to do too many things in one mission, leading to heavy craft and increasing the possibility of said running out of fuel.

Trying to explain this game to my friends.

They don't understand a game that doesn't have a pre-determined goal and thus can't be beaten and never actually ends. Finishing the tech tree and upgrades in career mode is actually the beginning of having the parts to do the truly creative missions.

They can't comprehend how to enjoy a game that doesn't have enemies, and guns. (but we have great explosions!)

Oddly enough, they love watching, and get very wide eyed at the views from orbit or approching and landing on another body. I try to get them to try a simple launch, but they refuse to give it a go.

I need new friends.

These are my weaknesses as well.

Explains why I have no KSP friends..

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