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Mission Koulomb -- Moho Has Gaseified Fuel in the Atmosphere?

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"Since the approval of the last theory of H2 in Moho's atmosphere, and since liquid fuel is basically liquid H2, it made some nice precipitated amusement at the labs. So they proposed we sent a rover mission to Moho to confirm the presence of the gas and discover, among other things, the resources that are below the surface of the planet."


The Koulomb spacecraft after an electrical shortage. Might probably work on that later...

Behold the posibility that led us to create the Project Koulomb,1x, to assure us before sending a manned team of atmosminers in hitchhiker pods to grab the H2 (and get the ore, if any). The rover's test missions were failed, but for now is not that much we can do. Recent tests indicate the rover can survive quite high falls, which has made us happier. It have one skycrane, I don't like it specially due to it's unstability and unability to lift the rover, but later redesign can quite help a better skycrane design to form.

The current mission spacecraft link is below, for debugger teams:

missing, why can't I find the file anywhere in the KSP folder?

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