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make use of right click in orbital view

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meant to say right click selection, or as an alternative button+left click

basically I'd like to have the right click be used as a selection method in orbital view. Either to select just a maneuver node or a apsis (periapsis or apoapsis) it's really getting old trying to constantly click click clickity click in just the right spot to only select the one thing i want to see/change when there is this entire other mouse button to make use of.

Secondly it would be nice if the maneuver being created defaulted to the current orbit in the case of having an orbit that transitions through a SOI, so there is two separate orbits that are very close to each other.

Also seriously why the *Bleep* isn't there a Key mapping option yet or at the very least an in game "What the *

#$&$ are all the keyboard commands" at this stage of development. I've been playing for 2 years and this has been really annoying me since the beginning

Edited by aleis
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  Starwhip said:
If I am not mistaken, there is an extensive key mapping settings page. I'd have to double-check though.

Yes, but it's not available in game, you can only access it from menu before loading your save file.

So it's roughly useless while playing

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Poor you!! You have been playing for 2 years witouth noticing that you can rotate the map not only with the arrow keys but also with right-clicking? Before making this suggestion, have you tried that what you are going to suggest is whether already implemented? Or somehow you can't rotate the camera by right-clicking? Anyway, that selection stuff sounds great. Altough it couldn't be done by right clicking, it could be done by left clicking, as there's no action for dragging while left clicking. And the two orbits that are close to each other? That's a real problem, as well as placing a maevuer close to you, after entering the SoI of a planet. That's very buggy at me.

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  Bigtimbers said:
I really feel like the orbital UI needs to be overhauled. It really is a pain in the butt. I lov this game to pieces, but I want to rage quit using the orbital UI.

I agree. Maybe it's not super annoying but an improvement would be welcome.

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