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Antennas locked

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Recently, on a couple of ships, I closed the payload inside stock fairings. After deployment of fairings, I'm unable to transmit any kind of data, cause my antennas are "locked". Why?

Them are not stowed, are full of space to operate, so everyone had this issue before? If yes, how to solve it?

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Sometimes, and not for a clear reason, the part is blocked by another. Like if you put something on the cockipit door. Check that your antenna has free space around.

do you have enough power also ?

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Thank you much, it appears that the antenna is too close to extend correctly. The DTS-M1 opens up to a dish and I think it may be just be blocked. I hope you tried extending it in the VAB to test if there was clipping?

As for the 88, sorry I can't really tell what is going on with that from that particular pic.

Edited by Glaran K'erman
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On my point of view else a part is blocking the rail, else you attach something to it like a struct connector. The VAB doesn't reflect the reality at any time. The most complete test is outdoor on the ground. I test each time my craft outside on the floor before starting a mission.

Reload your vessel and try on the floor you will see?

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I can re-try the ship, but not the mission itself. The parts were inside a fairing, so no struts attached or anything else. I had the same issue some days ago with an antennae inside a cargo bay.

How can I change the "locked" status in the persistent file?

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My gut is telling me it's just being blocked by something, try the ground test like sha said. If you already quickloaded and cannot revert or have that turned off by difficulty/choice then at least put a copy of the same ship on the pad to test the design.

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As suggested, I made a couple of tries on the Pad. One with the ships as it is, another with the dish deployed directly from the VAB. The results is the same, the antenna is still "locked".



EDIT: I made another test replacing the antennae with the same one, same result again...

RE EDIT: Well, this is becoming really weird. It seems that from a certain point, every ships I try to launch, has the same issue with every antennas. Ships launched before that one works correctly instead.

Here's the output log, can someone please help me find a solution for this?


Edited by Nansuchao
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