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Have Spaceplane, Will Travel


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PART THE FIRST: NUKES ARE AWESOME, the journey of the NX-01 spaceplane

"So we're going to take not one, but two completely untested technologies up in an equally untested spaceplane on a trip to Minmus?!"

-Bob Kerman (scrubbed from the mission due to acute paranoia)


NX-01 uses its two MASAMUNE dual-mode nuclear engines to circularize post-ascent. Top speed in atmosphere exceeded Mach 6 thanks to experimental Houdinis on loan from Instell Inc.


Hey, look! Solar eclipse!


Collecting science in low Minmus orbit, the original mission for this spaceplane. Not shown was a bonus Mun flyby which garnered some additional science.


"Oh, THERE's the KSC. That's the last time I'm letting you plan the deorbit burn, Bill." - Jebediah Kerman after almost an hour having no idea where he was


Both kerbonauts had the tar scared out of them by this landing. 200 plus meters per second, crossing the runway, high vertical speed... nonetheless, Jeb somehow stuck the landing. Funds recovery: 100% sans fuel burned. Science recovery: 349.7, much more than expected.

Next: To Duna, also by nuclear spaceplane.

Edited by Kagame
Came up with a better name.
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It looks awesome! But how ever do you take off with the control surfaces that far back?

By using up every last bit of the runway. There was a variant of the design that used canards, but I scrubbed it in favor of this cleaner look. Also, I use FAR, so that may have something to do with it.

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Sneak peek of what's to come. I've spent an entire day on this design (featuring not one but FOUR revisions, two of which were a complete rebuild of everything except payload!) but it still has some... odd tendencies. Such as the tendency to yaw left as soon as it breaks through Mach 4. Designed for a Duna science pillaging expedition, hence semi-STOL status.

- - - Updated - - -


Fixed the yaw problem. NX-02D is fully certified and ready to go! Now I just need to build the launch that will go alongside it filled to the brim with SCANsats, IRSU setups, and backup fuel.


Tossed the "companion craft" with SCANsats and extra fuel up into orbit. No IRSU needed because I'm using pure nukes, which are just silly efficient. It's hideous, so no pics. But tomorrow... Tomorrow, we FLY!

Edited by Kagame
Wow, that's like the fastest design I've ever done.
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