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Lining up Asteroid Day Assets Properly

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I'm trying to detect asteroids in Eeloo's orbit, so I launched a telescope out to approximate the orbit of Jool around Kerbol. It's approximately circular with roughly the right semimajor axis, and is inclined to Eeloo's orbit by 0.0 degrees, but when I right-click on the telescope the game informs me that the telescope is misaligned with Eeloo. Is there anything I can do to get more information about how I can line things up more effectively?

Thanks in advance for any advice you can lend.

Edited by Nikolai
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But basically u need to have your orbit inside your target planets orbit.

Thanks for your insight -- I think that might be it. (I was a little disappointed when Scott seemed to be flying to get to Eve's orbit, and I already have one of those doing its job rather nicely. When he went on to get inside Eve's orbit to start mapping Eve, I saw the wisdom of your words.) A circular orbit at Jool's distance from Kerbol is sometimes outside of Eeloo's orbit. Thankfully, I've got a fair amount of fuel and a nuclear engine on the thing, so I'll try bringing it completely within Eeloo's orbit and seeing what happens when I have time.

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Update: That did the trick! The orbit is entirely within Eeloo's, and inclined to it at 0.0 degrees.

I brought the periapsis inside Eeloo's orbit first, which caused the telescope to complain about misalignment with Jool. Then I pushed the apoapsis out even further (but still within Eeloo's orbit), and it started mapping Eeloo! Asteroids spotted!

Thank you so much for your help.

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