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From One Newbie to Other Newbies


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I've learned a valuable lesson today. I'm just starting and haven't even attempted my first orbit of Kerbin yet. While trying to rack up some science credits I accepted the Mk16 Chute Test Contract. That should be an easy 4 credits I thought. Ha!

All I need do is release the Mk16 between 18,000m and 24,000m while going 300m/s to 1200m/s. After designing a rocket that would get me to just over 2.4km so that I hit the lower threshold of 300m/s velocity in the prescribed altitude window, I repeatedly lost the chute to "aero forces and/or heat". Mind you the test was successful; I would've gotten my 4 science credits, but I'd have lost my astronaut and I was almost resigned to do just that. :confused:

So the lesson I learned is to make a beeline to the KSP Forums and/or Wiki when one finds oneself stumped. In short order I learned that the minimum pressure and altitude for release of the Mk16 is tweakable from the VAB. Ten minutes later I had Jebediah safely back on Kerbin with 4 science credits in the bank!! :)

This is a great "sandbox" game that is both challenging and fun. What a great community! Special thanks to the posters and contributors of both the Wiki and this Forum.

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