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No longer seeing mission orbits

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Hey all,

I am no longer seeing mission target orbits. I am trying to match a sun orbit and I cannot see the orbit I am supposed to achieve. I have textual descriptions of the orbit, but heck if I know how to match certain aspects of the orbit such as argument of Periphrasis.

Did I toggle these off? I searched the key bindings and I don't see a key to turn them back on.

I have Kerbal Engineer mod and Way point mod, and that's it.

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  coreyfro said:
Hey all,

I am no longer seeing mission target orbits. I am trying to match a sun orbit and I cannot see the orbit I am supposed to achieve. I have textual descriptions of the orbit, but heck if I know how to match certain aspects of the orbit such as argument of Periphrasis.

Did I toggle these off? I searched the key bindings and I don't see a key to turn them back on.

I have Kerbal Engineer mod and Way point mod, and that's it.

What's the mission parameters - i.e. what Pe and Ap's do you need to achieve - I'm fairly sure I had a sun orbit mission, which when I looked at the numbers and compared them to Kerbin's orbit was something like 10x larger - the UI couldn't scroll out far enough to see the orbit.

Needless to say, I cancelled the mission, paid the penalty and walked away laughing at the contractee.


Edited by Wemb
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Yeah, target orbits only appear when your map view is centered on the body that you're supposed to orbit. So Kerbin orbits show up by default. If you want to see a target around any other planet or the sun, you need to double-click on that body to focus on it.

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