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Shock Cone Intake vs Ram Air Intake

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I did? I think you are confusing me with someone else. :) The tail connector part is the lowest drag nosecone as determined by empirical testing. I use ram air intakes on my planes because I like the way they look, the performance difference between them and the shock cones is not overly large.

I'm pretty sure you did a test on two rockets

Edit: you may be right I think it was another thread which just disapeared from my clipboard, on phone, about the same subject.

Edited by selfish_meme
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OK, I have done some quick testing, it is here. TLDR: Shock Cone, don't use anything else.

I pretty much duplicated Levelords work, the only extra thing I found is two Shock Cones, one in front and one behind Rapier is the best combination.

Edited by selfish_meme
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  • 3 months later...
Shock Cone, don't use anything else.

Well they are expensive; if your jettisoning the part and you don't want to lose 3k each, I put circular intakes on instead, 980 ea and not too different. But for your main craft and if your returning Shock Cone all the way

I pretty much duplicated Levelords work, the only extra thing I found is two Shock Cones, one in front and one behind Rapier is the best combination.

You mean you can place a part(shock cone) directly behind and attached to the Rapier, it will not explode, and it will decrease drag?

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