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The Wrath of Jeb

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"Moar Boosters" taken to the extreme. This is by far the biggest craft I ever built, with this beast I accomplished (for the second time actually, but first in 1.0.4) one of the most difficult missions: landing at and returning from Eve, one launch, no refueling, all stock. (just with the aid of Kerbal Engineer Redux and Kerbal Alarm Clock) The craft weighs 3674 tons, with 554 parts, when launched it slows down the game to 2 FPS (mid-range PC). The lifter lifts a total of over 650 tons to LKO. The lander weighs 165 tons with the heat shields, 151 tons without (landed at Eve) The pics are below. Here is the .craft file. Here a video (basically screenshots made every 1/2 seconds, it was too much for a gif) that illustrates the mission.

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