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Triple Mun Mission; Unmanned Lander and Rover, and Manned Orbiter.

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Two days ago, I wanted to do something different. I wanted to start a mun mission to create a base there.

I decided to go first with an unmanned unmoving lander on the surface of the Mun. It was a success.

The rocket I used was this one:


It brought the lander to the Mun, and because i cant stand orbital debris, i made the first solid stage separate at 12000m, and the second liquid stage crash into the mun. The third lander stage, went towards the mun and landed at a flat land near the equator. (due to poor judgement i landed it at night, but still, it landed!)


The next mission, a rover set for the mun used the same type of design.


And did not release debris. It went into orbit around the mun and i used mechjeb to put the decent trajectory about 10 meters away from the lander below. Unfortunately, the computer did not solve for the mun’s rotation, so I had to land 5 km away from it. Btw i use mechjeb to do ascent and A.S.S manuvers, but i dont use the descent module(or only to designate a specific spot where i want to land, not the actual landing part)

I had previously spent hours trying to make a small mun rover (carts v1.32) with a satellite (novapunch) module on top of it with a laser on top of that(sunbeam).

It didn’t work out so well so I could not attach a laser on top of it.

However, I did manage to get a sort of “dropship†mechanism on top of the rover that would land the rover, increase the thrust where it would be just under the thrust required for lift, then I would decouple it.


It worked, and the descent stage flew off. It went in circles and ended up crashing later so it was ok for debris.


Now the rover, 6.2 km away from the other lander needed to turn on and start its travels.


To get to the other lander was an endeavour that took about 20 minutes of real time. I got there eventually and there was a 10m separation.


after that was done, i needed to send a manned mission to orbit the mun. I used Zoxygene to make it more realistic, but am having second thoughts about it. I also used the Deep space mod to get an ion engine rechargeable by solar panels. Now, for the Zoxygene mod, i dont know if i want to keep it, because even though it makes it more realistic, it’s kind of cumbersome.

Anyways, I used it for the orbiter. The ion engine was quite useful however, because when orbiting the moon, the ion engine is sufficient. It is especially useful when trying to change inclination.


When my Kerbinauts finnaly got into a slightly inclined and circular orbit about 4 km from the surface. I got about 7.5 km away from the base, and took this picture.


So? Is my moon base official by the forum’s standards of something? Should i continue using Zoxygene? Is there any mod that would allow for munar infrastructure? anything i should do with the base? should i add more craft? should i put a manned lander?

can you answer those questions, and tell me what you think about the mission i just did?

Happy Rockets! :o:D:o

P.S. this is my first thread so i am not an expert at choosing which directory this thread should be in!

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I like the drop ship for the rover, this could be a great start for a base once bases are implemented. What are all the mods used in this? Like the thing on top of the Lander.

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