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Announcing the latest member of the KSP Team.


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It\'s great to see some of the greatest contributors from the community getting added to the dev team. Some of the mods here add, what I see as, vital elements to the game, that the dev team haven\'t gotten around to yet.

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Many congrats to you Nova. When i first DL\'d your mods i thought to myself 'This guy should be on the dev team'. Great decision squad and i can\'t wait to see what awesome STUFF you guys come up with.

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:cheers: Cheers, Mate! - here\'s a big round of applause from this modding community you make proud! :cheers:

*insert loud applause here*


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Well done! (oh so extremely late and belated)

I have no idea how I missed this thread for so long.

Hats off to you, and the best wishes of luck in the future for your work.

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  ping111 said:

Oh god.

Oh god.








As long as Silisko isn\'t angered by the young \'uns applying the k-prefix and saying \'Kearth\'. :b

Well played, Nova, well played.

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Considering his work with textures and adding atmosphere (although not literally) to the game, i think i\'d vager that\'s where his energy is best spent.

You can expect anything from a mind such as Nova, though.

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