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Rocket overheating and exploding when using grabbing unit.

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My rocket starts overheating when I engage the grabbing unit. It starts randomly, sometimes after some seconds once the asteroid is grabbed, sometimes a bit longer. After some seconds of overheating the rocket explodes. I have tried to deactivate everything, nothing works except releasing the asteroid (free pivot does not works).

Fortunately I have a savegame some seconds before. I can provide it if required. I could also make a screenshot.

Three pieces are starting overheating together: seismic sensor, RCS tank and a structural element:


Please tell me if there is any way to solve this issue, editing the savegame if required. Right now my mission is lost and I don't want to start it again. Thanks.

EDIT: I have done a second check and actually no structural element is overheating. The 3 parts which are overheating are the seismic sensor, the barometer and the thermometer, all of them stuck to the RCS tank. However once I saw the core in the service bay overheating as well, so I am not sure the problem come from the sensors. The problem is immediately solved when I release the asteroid.

Edited by Claw
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I could not make a better screenshot, when I grab the asteroid the view is centered on the asteroid. At least everyone can see what are the pieces that might cause the problem.

I have done a second check and actually no structural element is overheating. The 3 parts which are overheating are the seismic sensor, the barometer and the thermometer, all of them stuck to the RCS tank. However once I saw the core in the service bay overheating as well, so I am not sure the problem come from the sensors. Th problem is immediately solved when I release the asteroid.

About KJR, it does not change anything when I remove it. It is not a mod issue.

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In all probability it's just yet another bug with the Claw.

For anyone who doesn't know, the Claw (Advanced Grabbing Unit) is not actually a real part, it's one of the suckers on the Kraken's tentacles. It exists to lure you into using it, whereupon it latches onto your save file and destroys all of your hard work. It is only a good idea to use it if you're a masochist.

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Rhomphaia's point is that you're using KJR. That's what he's referencing in your screenshot (since it's not stock). Though my personal curiosity poses two questions, since I am in the throws of wrestling down the Claw Kraken. (I have made some headway.)

If KJR is the only mod affecting this ship (no mod parts), then please do post the save as I would like to take a look.

Pre-Question: Does this overheat still happen without KJR?

1) Is this a fresh save, and/or fresh mission for version 1.0.4? Or is it a carry over?

2) If you turn on the thermal debug info, do the numbers run away to infinity?



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Rhomphaia's point is that you're using KJR. That's what he's referencing in your screenshot (since it's not stock). Though my personal curiosity poses two questions, since I am in the throws of wrestling down the Claw Kraken. (I have made some headway.)

If KJR is the only mod affecting this ship (no mod parts), then please do post the save as I would like to take a look.

Pre-Question: Does this overheat still happen without KJR?

1) Is this a fresh save, and/or fresh mission for version 1.0.4? Or is it a carry over?

2) If you turn on the thermal debug info, do the numbers run away to infinity?



The bug still occurs without KJR. I am also using a pair of other mods, like Kerbal Engineer, but nothing that seem even remotely related to what is happening. I will try to remove all mods, though. Once I will have done that and check my savegame still works and the bug still occurs, I will send the savegame to you.

1) It is a 1.0 career but a fresh mission / spaceship.

2) I did not know there were such thing as a thermal debug info. I will try that.

Thanks for your help.

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OK, I have removed all mods and the bug disappeared. I have then tried to add them one by one and it appears that FAR was causing the overheating. I upgraded it to the very last version and it solved the problem.

Sorry for that, this thread shoud actually not have been in this section. Thanks to all.

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