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Debris disappearing from KSC for no reason?

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I've made some different modules for a base that I'm going to build on another planet, and because they don't have any command pods or probe cores, they're uncontrollable and so are marked as debris by the game. Every time I grab it with a claw, pull it away from the SPH runway so I can launch something else, release it, and go back to the space centre, it disappears. It doesn't disappear if I go back to the space centre while the debris is still on the runway. The vehicle I'm using for pulling the modules off the runway doesn't disappear, I'm assuming because it's not debris, it's a ship.

Is a new feature of KSP to clear the KSC of debris? I don't think it is because I've manually removed it before. Or is it a mod I have? I don't have any mods installed that would do that....I think? I don't know if it's a bug or not, if it is I can provide more information if it's needed.

EDIT: Reloading quicksaves doesn't make the debris come back!? And if I put a Kerbal in a part with crew capacity, they get killed (marked as MIA in the Astronaut Complex). Looking through my save files in Notepad, I can see the debris isn't even there.

Edited by yorshee
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