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Symetry mode switches when game reloaded

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It always does it, no matter what the craft is. The only fix is to not reload anything and continue with the same craft without closing the game or going out of the sph/vab or changing the craft.

Does it with or without mods.

I have tried Stock Bug Fix.

Windows 8.1

Ksp 1.0.4

Any fixes besides symetry removal and starting all over?

Edited by LABHOUSE
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Could you be more specific as to what resets? The editor selection? The craft? Parts already in symmetry on the craft? Do they move? Are there steps that happen before the problem arises? Perhaps some pictures?

It's difficult for me to guess which bug might be the issue, or if it's something new entirely. More info would help keep us from guessing in the dark.



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All that is needed to replicate the bug is to get a utility part and make it root part, connect one wing to it, with mirror symetry mode on connect two wings to the previous wing. Close the game and open it back up after saving the craft.

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No fix?

No convert all parts to x symmetry mod?

Well, my mod actually does some conversion of part's symmetry status when building. It also sets single part symmetry status to Mirror in the SPH and Radial in the VAB (invisible to the player). I did try your steps above, but seriously, a picture would help.

In stock KSP, the steps you provided did give a poorly built wing, but it was still mirror. It did not switch to radial, nor did it change when I restarted KSP. I tried several times and didn't see a difference.

This is partially why I beg for pictures, .craft files, definitive reproduction steps, etc... Not because I enjoy inflicting pain on people (although it is fun :D ), but because it is much harder to see the issue you are trying to point out, and for me to understand and/or offer help (or build a fix).

I want to help, really. But with the info above, I have no answers to offer.



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Thank you very much for sending me a craft file. And I agree that there is indeed a bug. I decided to post in here, because it's probably something worth pointing out to others. Also, it's not a bug I've seen yet.

So the bug is actually triggered by in the editor based on what symmetry mode you have selected when opening a file the first time. I haven't previously run into this before, but that's probably because most people typically build mirror craft in the SPH vice the VAB.

So, what does that mean to you? Your file is definitely "broken" but should be easy to fix.

- Make a copy of the file first (just in case). Open up the .craft file and search/replace all the instances of "symMethod = Radial" with "symMethod = Mirror" (do not do a search/replace just "Radial" because you will break the file).

Opening the File:

- Now, when you go to open the file in the VAB, set down a generic root part (any root part). Then change the symmetry mode to Mirror (press R). Now go open your fixed .craft file and the parts should not reset to Radial.

I will see if I can figure out what's causing this. I thought I knew initially, but seems I will have to dig a little more. That should hopefully be enough of a workaround that you can continue to work. Also, by the way, if you accidentally open the file before switching symmetry modes, it's not a problem unless you click "Save." Just switch the symmetry mode to Mirror and open the file again.

Good luck!



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