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Different thrustTransforms with Launch Smoke?

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I am currently developing a stockalike falcon 9 for my mod and the first stage engine uses the RAPIER module to have 2 engine modes. One is all engines and the other is one center engine. To do this I had them have different transforms but I can't figure out how to add the Launch smoke FX. When I try to add it, it just plays automatically and doesn't stop. Is it possible to have launch smoke for something like this?

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Hi there! Yep, this is totally possible. Take a look at the SpaceY "M9" engine, if you want an example. I did exactly what you're trying to do.

The key with the ground effect is that you need two of them, keyed to the correct modules in your config. For example, in the M9 engine, it looks like this:

name = ModuleSurfaceFX
thrustProviderModuleIndex = 1
fxMax = 0.9
maxDistance = 50
falloff = 1.8
thrustTransformName = thrustTransform
name = ModuleSurfaceFX
thrustProviderModuleIndex = 2
fxMax = 0.6
maxDistance = 40
falloff = 1.8
thrustTransformName = centerTransform

I haven't done much experimenting (beyond adding it and seeing that it worked on my engines), but it looks like the "thrustProviderModuleIndex " numbers start counting at "1", referring to the first "ModuleEngines" or "ModuleEnginesFX", and incrementing from there.

Make sure they reference the correct thrust transforms. Having them both point to the same transforms, or having only one of these to begin with, will have the "always on" effect you described.

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