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Cargo getting stuck in spaceplane cargohold

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I am suffering from the most maddening problem.

I have a spaceplane in career mode that flies amazingly well, but when I get in orbit to use it to launch my mun rocket, the cargo gets stuck in the hold. This is despite using a radial decoupler to force the cargo outward. I have even equipped the rocket with an RCS system to directly thrust away from the cargo hold to no avail. The really odd thing is that once the cargo is decoupled, it will slide back and forth along the cargo hold, but it will never slide out, almost as if it was tied to the cargo hold with a pair of rails. Even firing the main engine will not work, the rocket will actually drag the space plane along with it.

Any idea what is going wrong. Any help would be appreciated.


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A screenshot might help. Usually I run into that when I have some part clipping that leaves a part on the outside of the cargo bay.

You probably have two options (without relaunching). You can spin the spaceplane as fast as possible, that can often dislodge the cargo. You can also timewarp, which will cause the two craft to pass through one another (just don't stop until they are completely separated).

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Check the underside of of your craft in the hangar and make sure there aren't any parts clipping through it.

The Mk2 bays are only just slightly larger than the 'standard' rocket parts, so if your payload is a rocket and you have things like landing legs radially attached, then those parts can clip through to the outside of the bay. The doors still open fine, that won't clip things.. but on the underside that one part goes through the outside, with the rest on the inside, but it all still attached.

Once you've found the culprit, you can perhaps either rotate your payload so that extremity is more off to the side where there's more room, or use the offset tool to move it a little closer in to the payload's centreline so it doesn't stick out so far (or both).

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